These are time sensitive. You do not receive credit if you write them after the deadline each week. Furthermore, if you are in the habit of writing everything on Saturday you will not receive full credit. Why? There would be no time for others to interact with your writing. Write early; write often! Right? Right!

First, there's a blog entry (about 250 words) which will have you respond to a hopefully thought-provoking question. Each week, you must do the blog entry with enough time left in the week to be able to enter into dialogue online with your classmates. Write, reply, write more, reply more, and then write and reply more.

Second, there's a reading. There’s no blog entry associated with this. Just read.

Third, there's a written response to the reading. Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the SATURDAY (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. This entry should be a long paragraph. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND TO OTHER STUDENTS' PART THREE EACH WEEK.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


What was the single best line of the restaurant review of Patina? Why was that line so appealing?


  1. The best line of the restaurant review is definitely “Round, plump ravioli are filled with finely minced zucchini and cheese and are as beguiling as any I've encountered”. I am a huge fan of Italian food. Especially Italian food that includes cheese! So delicious! Zucchini is also one of my favorite cooked vegetables so once I read this article-and this sentence in particular-I immediately get hungry. Oh, and I just ate dinner by the way. What I noticed throughout the entire review is that the critic used very descriptive words which made me picture the food being described. I felt like I was really at Patina looking at this plate of ravioli and lobster with the artichoke. I can see the yellow pasta full of cheese with extra grated cheese on the top. And I can only imagine the smell of this yummy entrée. I would love to visit this restaurant, but I will be bringing my own water. There is no way that I will pay a 22 dollar water bill along with my 48 dollar main course.

  2. The line that most stood out to me was, "The restaurant is a place where everything — the ambiance, the service, the food and the wine work seamlessly to create a sense of occasion." I enjoyed this line because I've never had an experience that was as fine as she described. I also have never dinned finely either, but I know I would like to at least once, but I don't know of places that are in Bakersfield or around Bakersfield that have fine dinning available. I don't get out of Bakersfield much due to being busy, and when I do get out I focus more on the surroundings than the food. The critic's description also makes me want to pay more attention to the flavors and presentation of the food and surroundings of the restaurant.

  3. The first line was eye catching and grabbed my attention. However, my favorite line was this: “Sometimes it feels as if the entire restaurant has been put into a state of suspended animation by an evil witch called the economy” (Patina). I liked this line because it showed how the economy had a life of its own. It was elegant personification. The economy impacts restaurants and the service related industries in a huge way. This line goes to the heart of the piece and shows that despite this wicked economy and tough financial times, people need to come and visit. This article was clearly trying to recapture some interest in this restaurant by upsetting the food, price, and overall customer experience. For example, taking pleasure in the artistic quality of each plate. I think the author did a great job with the restaurant review.

  4. "The restaurant is a place where everything — the ambience, the service, the food and the wine work seamlessly to create a sense of occasion." Life is a party, like it or not. Life has it's moments and its - rise to the occasion - moments that occur wether you embrace it or hide. This line describes what is meant to be experienced and enjoyed. Not only does it express life within the four walls of Patina, but it describes the entire approach to what you are paying for, eating, observing, indulging, and engaging. The person becomes a thread within the bindings of the curtains at Patina. Shoot! I want to go to Patina and see what this place is all about. Case in point, it paints a portrait within a moment in time that everyone should like to be a part of. The article was very well articulated, with colorful attributes, and engaging presentation. She painted Patina and their Chef perfectly. Well done.

  5. The best line of the restaurant review was "The combination of the fruit with the fat richness of the foie gras makes the dish thoroughly modern." This catches my attention and the line was so appealing because I have recently found out that foie gras is goose liver. This goose liver is a popular and well-known delicacy in French cuisine. She describes this foie gras as a skinny rectangle with a vein of tart strawberry-rhubarb compote runs down the middle, and for color, the top is glazed in a brilliant scarlet, which echoes the chunks of strawberry and rhubarb forming another long rectangle on the plate. Now, I have never in my life have been so interested in wanting to eat a savor goose liver. She describes this delicacy of plate very in detail and that is why is it is so appealing. Now, I will try to eat goose liver in my lifetime, I don't know when but hopefully it won't be so expensive. Hopefully in my lifetime I will be able to go to Patina and try this plate. With the way she describes this goose liver, I definitely liked this restaurant review and would like to go to Patina.

  6. "Round, plump ravioli are filled with finely minced zucchini and cheese and are as beguiling as any I've encountered. Each wears a nubbin of emerald baby zucchini and at the center is a gossamer veil of goat cheese "foam" crowned with the bright gold zucchini blossoms."

    This line reminded me of the carrot dumplings at the restaurant Dirt Candy. I've never gotten to eat there, but I'm hoping that some day I will be able to. Its an all vegetarian restaurant that celebrates nature's 'candy' that we can harvest from the soil and eat at our leisure. Its my belief that there is nothing better than a well prepared, cooked, and presented vegetable dish that can show off all the goodness that a lot of people miss out on whether its through picky-ness or sheer stubborn opinion that he or she are not 'rabbits'. Cheese is also a great accent when used wisely. I've gone out to eat before and ordered a new dish that was so smothered in cheese that it was all I could taste and thus made my meal less enjoyable. The chef should make it so that all aspects of an entire meal can be tasted individually as well as one.

    I had the chance last year to eat at The Top of the World restaurant in the Stratosphere on the Las Vegas strip. All I can say is if you ever get the chance to try fine dining and don't mind dropping a minimum of $55 per person then you should go for it. Not only do you get to sit and listen to live accoustic music while you eat, but the entire restaurant rotates in a slow circle so you get to see all of Las Vegas lit up at night.

  7. The line “Each element plays against the other, so that depending on how you orchestrate it, each bite of hamachi is different” was the one that caught my attention. This line really confused me because if I were to ever eat anything that tasted different after each bite would make me think that the food was cooked by a first time cook. For me, food has to taste the same bite after bite. I am still a beginner at cooking so my food is very bland and I am fine with that since each bite is the same as the first. I have never been to a restaurant that had food that changed taste after each bite, and honestly I am fine with that. I'll stick with the bland food that I cook rather than experience what Irene described in her review of Patina.

  8. The review on Patina was nicely done because not only was it very descriptive but it also gave examples like, "Sometimes it feels as if the entire restaurant has been put into a state of suspended animation by an evil witch called the economy" where you can picture economy having a life of its own. The reviewer was descriptvie and personalized the article so that when someone read the article they could maybe relate the experience that might pertain to themselves. Such as the line that I mentioned above. I'm sure that everyone in this day and age have experienced a change because of economy. I have to admit that this article was interesting because I am one of those people who has ignored fine dining. On reading this article I will have to look into a place of fine dining and try it if nothing else for the experience.

  9. The review on Patina restaurant was fabulous because not only was it very descriptive but it also gave a lot of descriptive examples throughout the story. For example, it gave this example “at a restaurant where you once had to reserve three weeks in advance, it’s now possible to get a prime weekend dinner reservation on a few days’ notice”. I noticed that at some point this restaurant was completely full probably because of its reputation and excellent service. Irene gave a lot of descriptive details about the food, disserts, and wines, nor she give a good description for each plate that she had tried. She described the taste, the flavor, the design, and the essence that each plate it had. Leaving us with a vision of wonder of how these amazing plates looked like. She also gave credit to the chefs of the restaurant. Reading this article made think about dining at an elegant restaurant where these things are more visible. The prices were not bad at all, but one thing that got my attentions was the $22 water bill besides that everything else was perfect. I really liked this article about Patina restaurant and its food.

  10. I can say I thoroughly enjoyed the review on the elegant Patina restaurant. Although I've never been to a fine dining establishment such as this one, especially not a restaurant where you can add $22 worth of water to your bill, which seems annoying, I do plan on going out to find a place similar to this. Just a couple short paragraphs into the review, at the bottom of what I believe was the third paragraph, the author concluded with: "A moment outside of the everyday, and a rare indulgence". To me, this line summed up what any fine dining experience should be about. If I'm expected to pay $100-$200+ on a meal, it'd most certainly be a rare indulgence! All kidding aside though, it seems that a setting such as this must truly be reserved for those special moments. With every paragraph, the author discussed the various main courses, wines, and deserts the restaurant has to offer; and after finishing the article, the Patina checks off every requirement to serve as a place for a special night with special people.

  11. The single best line of the review to me was, "Sometimes it feels as if the entire restaurant has been put into a state of suspended animation by an evil witch called the economy." You could literally experience the sloth-like ambiance of the restaurant. The reviewer personifies the economy into and evil witch in order to reveal the strong impact it has on businesses. It is interesting to see that even though the restaurant has not been as busy as it once was, the desertedness is not due to the quality of the food itself. The reviewer highlights each appetizer, entrée, dessert, and drink quite exquisitely. Her words and the names of certain ingredients revealed just how pricey the food was. She allows us to join her on her fine dining journey. It feels as if we are actually sitting alongside her, seeing, smelling, and tasting everything that the restaurant has to offer because of how descriptive she is. I value restaurant critiques because I often use them in order to choose where I should eat when I go to unfamiliar places. It is very handy because it allows you to experience what the restaurants have to offer before you physically have to experience it yourself. I would love to get a chance to try Patina, however, I do not believe I can drop a check that large on fine dining just yet.

  12. The single best line of the review is “It's the time to slow down, to savor the food and the company”. This line is appealing because food can distract you from everyday life. The moment of food enjoyment is yours to have, and there after you can share it with your loved ones or colleagues. Food provides nourishment to the body, but it also can provide nourishment to the soul. This is why people often talk about and even recommend places they love to eat. Very often people relive the moment of enjoyment of their first bite when expressing how good a certain dish is from their favorite restaurant.
    The reviewer Irene was definitely a culinary art professional that frequently visits the Patina restaurant. She possessed a vast knowledge of the prices, employees, and products. The descriptions of the food and flavors are so vivid, and her knowledge of the cook’s careers makes it obvious that she is a seasoned reviewer. Irene is definitely a critic to follow if you are looking for accurate restaurant evaluations. At a restaurant, I would really enjoy the quality of the food, but would not be able to extract all of the fine details that go into the recipe like Irene does. She, a professional, can obviously slow down time to enjoy every single component of the food she is eating. Most people know its there, but cant distinguish the difference between each of the ingredients. What makes the line so appealing is that Irene is able to slow down time to observe and describe every detail in her food.

  13. The single best line of the review for me was the line "It's time to slow down, to savor the food and the company". The reason why this was the best line for me is because I find it very true. I feel like many people don't take the time to slow down and enjoy the taste of the food. Too often people don't take the time to appreciate the moment. Dinner is a time when one can relax but now a days many people are so busy or stressed that they often spend their dinner time thinking about how to solve their problems instead of enjoying the moment and appreciating everything that they are blessed with such as the plate of food right in front of them. This line reminded me to slow down and just enjoy the taste of the delicious food and the atmosphere that I am blessed to have instead of worrying about things such as school and work. Next time I go out to eat I will make sure that I will take the time to actually enjoy the taste of my food and the all the hard work that went into making it so delicious. I enjoyed the entire review because the reviewer described the different types of food in a way that made it seem as though I too was there with he or she tasting that food. The words that she choose to describe the whole experience at that restaurant was very helpful and it made the review seem more realistic.

  14. One line that really caught my attention was “what I love about his food is its balance and grace.” I felt like this single line encapsulated the point that S. Irene Virbila was trying to get across. This line let the readers know how she felt about the foods taste and image. She describes the dishes at The Patina to be perfectly balanced as if they had been prepared to ultimate perfection. By the way she described the food she encountered makes it seem like just that. The description of the foods she tried only assured her readers of the brilliance in the chef’s cooking. But balance wasn’t enough to describe the food at The Patina. She continued to describe the love for the food by not only with its balance, but also with its grace. Grace is a powerful word when describing fine cuisines and it does not seem like she used the term loosely in her review of the restaurant or of the elegant cooking that everyone can expect to find there.

  15. My favorite line from Patina was “Round, plump ravioli are filled with finely minced zucchini and cheese and are as beguiling as any I've encountered. Each wears a nubbin of emerald baby zucchini and at the center is a gossamer veil of goat cheese "foam" crowned with the bright gold zucchini blossoms.” I am a huge fan of anything Italian and raviolis are one for my favorite Italian dishes. As I was reading this I could picture exactly how it would look on the plate, what it would smell like, and what it would taste like. Through the whole article Patina is very descriptive about the whole experience and I also thought that it was great that she explained the background of all the people that worked there. While reading this article I felt as though I was one of the friends that went with her and experience firsthand what she was talking about, and I love when an author can accomplish that.

  16. The line that was most memorable to me was when the reviewer instructs the reader to "Close your eyes. Pay attention to the first bite of the amuse". This line stood out to me because I myself closed my eyes and imagined taking a bite into the food and taking in the atmosphere of the restaurant. I felt like I was in the restaurant smelling the good food, tasting the dish, and hearing the conversations of those around me. This line shows that a review can have a great impact on the reader, especially when the reviewer is able to imitate the eating experience.

  17. After reading all of the restaurant reviews I found the best line of restaurant review to be "The combination of the fruit with the fat richness of the foie gras makes the dish thoroughly modern." This immediately caught my attention because I found the word foie to be a bit humorous. The way that the foie gras was described it appeared to be a tasteful yet expensive dish. I was somewhat worried about how exactly it would taste when I was introduce to the name, but after doing some small research on foie gras recipes I figured it’s not as bad as it sounds. The Patina restaurant seems like a great place to go if you are looking forward to trying something new. After googling the foie gras I seen a picture and it looked delicious. I also seen a picture of a goose next to it and quickly became confused. This is when I found out that foie gras is goose liver. Instead of being disgusted I was interested because the way that the chef decided to dress goose liver was extremely cleaver. There is no way that I could have come up with a recipe for duck liver that is as appealing as this one. I really want to congratulate the Patina restaurant on the success of this dish as well as their other dishes.

  18. "The restaurant is a place where everything — the ambience, the service, the food and the wine work seamlessly to create a sense of occasion." I really appreciated this line because it really made me think. A great dining experience is composed of the ambience, service, food, and wine working together whether dining alone or with company. Feeling a sense of occasion just comes naturally when everything is working together. The language in the chosen line was perfect. I don't think I could think of a better way to describe a great dining experience. I've been on many dinner outings or dates, but after reading that line, I questioned which dining experiences were the best, which ones were good at all. Next time I'm out, I will definitely pay more attention to really evaluate if the night went well.

  19. Every time I publish something, the window refreshes and my post isn't posted. Maybe it's my browser settings..

    Well, the line that stuck out to me the most was, "As friends and I step into Patina, the figures of the hostess, manager, bartender, server and sommelier awake from their enchantment." I've been to restaurants where I've waited in line for an hour plus, to places with no wait time. Every time I enter a place with no wait, I always get the same reaction as the one described in the line above. A waiter or waitress is happy to see a customer walk in, and usually an owner is present even happier than the waiter/waitress to see some business walking through the door. It's sad to see that most businesses, specifically restaurants, are taking a hit when it comes to business. A lot of people just can't afford to dine out with his or her family, or go out for a meal after a tough exam. However, happy hour has to be the best thing known to happen to humanity, or at least to college students. With that said, places may not be disgusting or dirty and should be shut down, they simply just don't have a lot of traffic anymore. I like to go to these places still because I think it's perfect timing for meeting the owner or manager and forming a relationship with him or her. The more you visit, they will always throw something extra in, even if it's just a free beverage. So, that line noted above was very much relatable. I wish I can eat out and support my favorite restaurants every day, but I can't.

    1. That is so frustrating! Make sure you are signed in before you start writing. Also, before you hit "publish," copy the text, so that if it erases it, you can email it to me and I will post it for you. Good luck! dr. s

  20. The single best line in the restaurant review for the Patina was, “Or it could be an intense lobster bisque with a dab of ivory crème fraiche.” I thought this was one of the best lines because the way he describes the food is very descript. When one is using food you need to give in great detail. This was appealing to my eye because I like lobster that sentence made it sound mouth watering. Another reason why it got caught my eye is because I enjoy seafood. My favorite place to eat it is when I am that the beach they make it so fresh. I love the smell of the sea. In the Patina review it seems like nice experience place like one I never attend before. The restaurant being so busy all the time and the amazing chief seems like a nice place to eat. I could imagine the great smell of the build when passing by the restaurant .Also, in the reading I like the part where you close your eyes it makes it seem all more real to me. In my head I am thinking the smell of the place and the time of the people that goes and eat at the Patina. The people who eat there are ones who have money. They are in the higher class because this is a high class restaurant. As I read more it opens my mind to the type of environment they were in. In the end I don’t think I will trying this restaurant it seems out of my price budget.

  21. After reading the restaurant review of Patina, the single best line of the restaurant review is "With an unfaltering sense of color and proportion -and taste- the chef has composed a cityscape of vegetables in a coral-red pool of their cooking juices". I think this is the best line of the restaurant review because of how the author described a vegetable plate. I never thought that vegetables would ever be described in such a way. It almost seems that the author was describing some breathtaking botanical garden in an exotic landscape somewhere. The use of language to describe a plate of vegetables in this article makes the dish sound like its something out of this world. This kind of description give the reader a sense about what the plate looks like and how the chef took the time to make the plate more than just plate of vegetables. Despite the author mentioning that the restaurant is much slower than previous times, the restaurant is described in such a way that the reader knows that the experience will be well worth the cost of the meal. I haven't really ever been to a place like this due to the debt I would be after a visit. After reading this review I'm convinced that I have to try a place like the one that was described in the article.

  22. I loved the detail throughout the entire restaurant review. I felt like I was there and she made everything sound so appealing, even if I do not like the ingredients in them. The best line for me was “It's the time to slow down, to savor the food and the company.” This line appealed to me the most because I have found myself at restaurants not paying attention to any of that. If I go to a restaurant while very hungry or in a hurry, I am too preoccupied to savor anything. There have been times when I have gone to a restaurant and eaten my food so fast that I would not have been able to tell you what it tasted like. This line also appeals to me because I feel like it can be used in everyday life. We are always in such a hurry. Moving from day to day, from place to place not taking in the moments.

  23. The restaurant review on the fine dining restaurant called Patina gives the reader a vivid experience of what it is like to dine at a fine restaurant. The food critic uses words that wake up the readers senses. The description of the, "glazed vegetable mosaic" was colorful. Vegetables never sounded so good. Words like drizzle, dreamy and whimsical add to the restaurant's ambiance. The critic boast about the chefs and their commitment to perfection with each dish they serve. The critic is extremely detailed as she examines the presentation of each dish and uses words like vertical lines, triangle and rectangle. The critic is trying to convey to the reader how elegant the place is but she used simple words people can relate to.

  24. One line that stood out to me in the restaurant review for Patina was "Underneath a soft pillow of gray-green artichoke purée and scattered around the plate, are roasted quartered baby artichokes and slices of artichoke so fine they look as if they have been prepared for the microscope in a barigoule jus dotted with emerald parsley purée." The writer didn't just describe the food but she also described how the food was presented. The vivid descriptions that were used help the reader feel like they are there. Additionally, the writer describes the food like it is a work of art created by the chef and that there is a passion behind the food that they are making at Patina.

  25. After reading the review for the Patina restaurant I was left hungry. The best line from the review has to be "Round, plump ravioli are filled with finely minced zucchini and cheese and are as beguiling as any I've encountered. Each wears a nubbin of emerald baby zucchini and at the center is a gossamer veil of goat cheese "foam" crowned with the bright gold zucchini blossoms." I love ravioli with anything inside of it. Furthermore, when he said there was cheese involved I was more than awaked because I can eat cheese with anything. The whole description of the dish made it even more appealing and convincing to go try this restaurant when I visit Los Angeles. I really enjoyed the article because it makes it very real for the reader, as if the reader was actually sitting in the restaurant.

  26. The restaurant review on Patina was invredibly descriptive and the choice of vocabulary was awesome. It cathes my attention from the very start. "As friends and I step into Patina, the figures of the hostess, manager, bartender, server and sommelier awake from their enchantment." Reading this I imediately think or royalty or some type princess disney scene. I have yet to travel to a high end restaurant like this. I wish I could right now. I would definitely do a review on it. Another part of the review I enjoyed reading was when the description of the chocolate covered fruit was explained. I am a chocolate fan! Lastly reading about the prices of water also caught my attention.

  27. My favorite line that I found in this very interesting restaurant review would have to be this line; "A starter of hamachi (yellowtail) presents a rectangle of the marinated raw fish garnished with razor-thin slices of geoduck clam on one side of the plate with pieces of avocado, crunchy crostini and a green-apple mustard forming vertical lines on the other side." I love this because she describes this food to the T. Well reading this I would actually taste what she was describing. I could also visually see what the food would look like if I was truly there. That I believe is real talent. To be able to use all of the descriptive words was brilliant!! Also through out the whole review, she continues to describe everything very well just like if I was at the restaurant. She is a great writer and she really makes me want to go to that restaurant and try all of the dishes.

  28. The best most appealing line from the restaurant review of Patina was “it's the time to slow down, to savor the food and the company. A moment outside of the everyday, and a rare indulgence.” This line was the most appealing to me because it made me wonder if I have ever experienced or taken the time to enjoy a nice calm dinner before. The way she describes Patina sounds so elegant and peaceful, where one can actually enjoy their dinner and not worry about the time. I don’t know about others but I know the times I’ve gone to eat a various restaurants I’ve always had to eat at the pace of others because there is always something to do after dinner. I can see now that this is unfortunate because one begins to forget the value and purpose of going out to a restaurant to have a peaceful dinner; where you are served. The company also has a lot to do with your experience at a restaurant, it defines whether you’ll come back to the same restaurant or not.

  29. I think the best part of the review is when she says, I could be wrong, but wine prices here don't seem so scary-high anymore and if you buy a bottle from the list, the corkage fee is waived for anything you bring from your own cellar. I really enjoy wine and a place that has cheap wine and that it’s great to drink as well. I think that’s a small place I would want to try to go. I also think it’s cool that they remove the fee for bring your own wine. A lot of places in California do not let you do that at all. I have hear of this places before but I have never been able to find one myself. Maybe I can find one a bit more nearer to my house. So maybe I can drink my own bottles of wind. Plus the food sounds great and small which are two of my likes when eating fine dining.
