These are time sensitive. You do not receive credit if you write them after the deadline each week. Furthermore, if you are in the habit of writing everything on Saturday you will not receive full credit. Why? There would be no time for others to interact with your writing. Write early; write often! Right? Right!

First, there's a blog entry (about 250 words) which will have you respond to a hopefully thought-provoking question. Each week, you must do the blog entry with enough time left in the week to be able to enter into dialogue online with your classmates. Write, reply, write more, reply more, and then write and reply more.

Second, there's a reading. There’s no blog entry associated with this. Just read.

Third, there's a written response to the reading. Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the SATURDAY (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. This entry should be a long paragraph. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND TO OTHER STUDENTS' PART THREE EACH WEEK.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


(Remember, write your response, and then come back and respond to others...need a sample? Look at what your classmates wrote about each other's writing last week...brilliant stuff!)

For this week's blog entry, you need only do one thing: DESCRIBE THE SINGLE BEST BITE OF FOOD YOU HAVE EVER HAD.

For me, it would be a root beer braised ribs at a restaurant in NYC called WD-50. It is one of these pricey, ultra modern places. There were about nine plates, each one with only a bite or two. In your description, be sure to include sight, sound, smell, or anything else to help the reader feel the experience of that one brilliant bite of food.


  1. If you don’t have soul then what do you have? Well I hope that everyone reading this is soulful, because the meal that I am going to describe is full of soul. A man loves a meal with many sides. You can never be too corny when a meal is started with barbequed sweet white corn. Candy yams rested in brown sugar is a must have when eating with my family. Some people like to place a marshmallow or two on their yams to give them a unique taste, but the choice is yours. Whenever candy yams are on a plate, it is almost unlawful not to have greens. My favorite greens are mustards and turnips because they aren’t as tough as collard greens and they are packed with flavor. Next, a side of macaroni will tie in the plate. I prefer homemade macaroni and cheese because Kraft’s mac & cheese if you lack culinary skills. For the entrees, a tender rack of barbequed baby back ribs and a spicy hot link that is caramelized in barbeque sauce. For years my family has been making our own sauces and seasoning our food with what we call our love seasoning. This insures that the every one of the family meals taste just as great as the last meal. Always remember that you are what you eat. Keep in your health in mind while eating heavy meals such as the one that I described. Although this meal may be high in sodium, it is also rich in love which makes it difficult to put the spoon down. Be sure to eat smart as you eat well.

    1. Mmmmm I love candy yams! My mom makes them for Christmas and Thanksgiving and they are always the first piece of food I put on my plate. They are my favorite part of my family's holiday meals every time, hands down. My mom and I put marshmallows and walnuts on the top with some walnuts. It is the absolutely most delicious part of my day when we get to make this dish!

    2. Right! What could you do without candy yams? I cant wait until Christmas!

    3. I am actually not a huge fan of candy yams, but it sounds pretty good. Holiday food is almost always good.

    4. What do you mean by food having soul? I have heard this before but never bothered asking until now.

  2. Candy Yams with marshmallows is how I role! I am from the south and we call this a good home-cooked meal. Where are you from? Good descriptions by the way.

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you role that way. My family originated in Shreveport Louisiana

    2. shhhhh, don't tell anyone that I am saying this because I am not supposed to correct anything on here...but your role is what you play in a you roll, like a rolling stone, is how you roll.

  3. I have never been a huge fan of ice-cream. I am usually the person that will only order ice-cream just to eat the chunks of cookie dough or candy inside. However, when I was on vacation in Switzerland, I ordered chocolate chili Gelato. It looks the same in appearance, but Gelato is almost an entire species away from ice-cream in my mind. Gelato is unbelievably creamy which gives it a rich and dense texture. Add this texture to the flavor of chocolate and you think your eating fudge. If you are a true chocolate lover this will be heaven for you. The dark chocolate was overwhelmingly powerful in flavor. Think of chewing on a coffee bean. This bite was complex and contradicting. The texture is soft and smooth, but the flavor is borderline sadistic. The flavor travels from your mouth and punches your nose with a fist. It was bitter, but sweet at the same time. The first bite of this chocolate chili Gelato is like night and day coming together. The contrast between the freezing ice cold temperature combined with a rising hot spicy kick in the end won my heart over. It was almost like an instant brain freeze but with a burning tongue. My senses were all confused. Is this hot or is this cold? This single bite was the roller coaster of life with the ups and downs. It really was an experience and i would recommend it, but it is certainly not for the faint hearted.

    1. Wow, Switzerland! Sounds like one amazing vacation. I've never had gelato, but your description has me eager to taste some.

    2. Switzerland is notorious for their cheese. I would like to try that and experience what you're talking about. I would like to taste this bitter and sweet flavor at the same time and get "punched" in the nose with it.

    3. Hello Rachel,
      So when you mentioned ice cream I was so in! What is so crazy is that I am lactose intolerant, but I really like ice cream. And my favorite is chocolate. So I have never had gelato before and when you described it it sounded very interesting. But the chile I'm not really a fan of. I like my ice cream cold not really hot. So maybe I will have to try it in the future. Thanks for posting!

  4. The very best bite of food I have ever had is the 5 cheese baked ziti at Olive Garden. I have tried so hard to re-create this delicious dish and I can never seem to get it right! The cheeses and the sauce and the pasta is just so perfect! Even though I cannot even finish my whole order of ziti at the restaurant, I could eat it for every single meal. Right when the waitress brings out the pasta dish you can smell the melted cheese and tomato sauce. It is so amazing. The crusty cheese and bread crumbs on top looks nice and golden brown. The sauce looks so nice and red. I order this every single time I visit Olive Garden. In fact just thinking about this dish makes me want to stop typing this blog, jump in the car and drive to Olive Garden right now! OH! And you cannot forget about the endless breadsticks. Those nice golden breadsticks with the parmesan cheese on top definitely helps make this dish absolutely perfect.

    1. Melted cheese is my kryptonite. I haven't had too many dishes from Olive Garden, I always tend to get the same thing or whatever the special is. I will have to give this a try the next time I end up eating at Olive Garden.

    2. Olive garden is the spot! Also, i love your sense of humor.

    3. I actually like Olive Garden and kind of sad that I havn't been to one in along time but I do love the taste and texture of cheese so will have to give the ziti a try the next time I go. I love the breadsticks that Olive Garden has also.

    4. Yes, the endless bread sticks of wonderful flavor always fill me up when I go to Olive Garden. I recently tried a wine there that was very delicious and sweet. It is an Italian Moscato from or called Castello del Poggio. Also the dessert called Zeppoli, is amazing. Its a type of doughnut with powder sugar topping and you have chocolate and jam dipping sauces. I can never finish them but i always order it when I eat at Olive Garden.

    5. Olive Garden is also one of my favorite. Great Food. I agree with you all..

    6. I've never been to Olive Garden but whenever I do go I'll make sure to order some. I love melted cheese and I heard the breadsticks are amazing.

    7. I love Olive Garden's Chicken Alfredo, its just a perfect combination and goes just great with there delicious bread sticks.

    8. This is something i would definitely eat time and time again.

    9. I will definitely have to try the ziti next time I go because you made it sound so wonderful. I always get the Chicken Alfredo when I go and I have been thinking of trying something new. I also get Alfredo dipping sauce with my bread sticks and I recommend it to everyone. It is life changing.

    10. That is an interesting dish. I only been to Olive Garden once about 6 years ago and never been back since.

  5. Every time I am asked something regarding food, I get so hungry! Mmmm, after reading the prompt, the first thing that came to my mind was Giordano's deep dish pizza in Chicago. When I visit someplace new, I always make sure to visit restaurants that have been on Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives. I think we can all agree that Guy Fieri has the best job in the world. When I was in Chicago, it was a must to have deep dish pizza. My best friend was attending college out there, so she said we had to try Giordano's. From the moment I walked into the restaurant and smelled an amazing aroma, I knew I was in for a treat. We ordered two pizzas: the Chicago Classic, and the Meat and More Meat. Oh man, the Chicago Classic was my favorite! The golden brown and perfectly crispy crust paired with cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms, and onions was pure bliss. The Meat and More Meat pizza was good, but I'm not a fan of a lot of meat; yet, that didn't stop me from stuffing my face with both pizzas. I don't think I've ever had a pizza that is comparable to Giordano's. I honestly cannot remember the price, but It wasn't expensive at all. I think that made the pizza and experience even better. We got there around brunch time so we can eat before spending the day shopping in the city. It wasn't busy at all. When we were done, it started to get super busy and the line was really long. I would recommend this restaurant to everyone that visits Chicago. Also, if anyone knows of a good deep dish pizza served in Kern County, please let me know.

    1. Wow I wished I knew about that when I was in Chicago in 2009. I never had pizza from Giordano's but I can imagine that it's good because as I've said before I love cheese and pizza always has the cheese on pizza unless of course you order pizza without cheese. Which I have seen because I have a friend in Bakersfield who does this.

    2. I think I know what episode you're talking about!! I love to watch triple D and I've even written down most of the places he visits and where they are. Pizza is a pretty difficult thing for me considering I don't like tons of sauce or grease; too much grease and I'm ill for the next few days and wishing I could die. There used to be a great pizza place in Frazier Park but the owner had to close up shop. His pizza was the bomb and I even got to go back and help make a few.

    3. I only know of one deep dish pizza place in Bakersfield called Cubbies. Your experience sounds awesome. It makes me wish I was there!

    4. Robert, you definitely have to give this place a try if you ever go out to Chicago again! So worth it. I am positive that you will enjoy it.

      Samantha, I can relate to you on being selective with certain types of sauce and amount of grease on a pizza.

      Febizza, we should go to Chicago. When you're not working or hitting on Daniel in front of the cafe. haha

    5. I've never tried a genuine deep dish pizza. It is something I think about experiencing one day. I just hope that day isn't too far off.

  6. I don't really have a favorite food but the best burger that I have ever eaten was probably from In-N-Out. The reason I say this is because I still remember how much of a impact the burger had on me when my Aunt took me to eat there when I was 12 years old. I ordered a Double-Double and when I took a bite out of the burger I fell in love with In-N-Out. The burger was made to perfection because I tasted everything from the meat being tender to the cheese being melted. I didn't even mind there being tomatoes or lettuce inside the burger even though in my opinion there is usually too much of it in their burgers. Now on when I go to In-N-Out I usually take out some of their lettuce because I want to taste the flavors more.
    I always order grilled onions in my burger because I like the texture it gives the burger and it also gives it more of a sautéed flavor. It wasn't till around 2008 that I found out that In-N-Out had a hidden menu from one of my fellow service members and I fell in love with In-N-Out all over again. My friend ordered a animal style burger and fries and when I saw what It looked like I was just shocked to see how much of a difference it adds to the fries and burger. I'm a person who likes cheese so looking at the fries I was like wow I can eat these fries with no problem. Usually I don't order fries from any fast food joints because I don't like how they make fries but now In-N-Out is an exception to this rule.

    1. In-and-Out is very good at making their taste one of a kind, so I very much agree with you on the flavors of their burgers.

    2. I am not all into burgers but I must say it. IN-N-OUT has good burgers.

    3. In-N-Out burgers are the best! They are always delicious to eat. Do you know what other stuff is included in the hidden menu?

    4. I really do enjoy eating in-n-out I just wished they had a little bit more on there menu. The burgers are great and its my go to place when I get out of the gym.

    5. I grew up on IN-N-OUT. It is so cheap and so delicious, have you tried Juicy Burger or Fuddruckers? Those places are a bit more pricier, but so worth it!

    6. As a matter of fact I have been to Juicy Burger and I have to say the burgers there are not bad at all!

    7. I was always on the fence about In-n-out because I am not a big fan of their fries and I need to have good fries when getting a burger, but when I heard about the animal fries it was a complete game changer. They are absolutely delicious.

    8. I agree! In-N-Out does have the best burgers and I think their fries are great too.

  7. I love In-and-Out too. Their burgers are so good and delicious. They don't have a big variety but the ones they have is more than enough. like the animal style burger as well.

  8. The most delicious bite of food that I have had, was the first time my mother made poppy seed bread. When I took the first bite all I could taste was the sweet bread and tart and citrusy glaze that accented the bread very well. When I got a good look at the bread I could see the sugar crystals from the glaze pooling along the sides of the bread pan, and these pans were a pretty good height so there was a decent amount of glaze build up, those tended to be the parts I chose to eat. I remember the top middle of the bread being slightly doughy, but at times those would also be a good part when you weren't too sugared out from the edges. The second time my mom made this dessert was when I was helping and the smell was fantastic. The main thing I smelt was the sweetness from the bread and the sweet citrusy smell from the glaze because of the orange juice that gets added to the glaze.

    I finally saw how much sugar goes into making this fantastic bread when I attempted to make it myself. At times I always wanted to have more of this bread, but my mom only made it during Christmas and it tended to go to neighbors and family. So when I first made this bread I found how difficult it is to get it perfect. The hardest part is the bread and the baking process, because the center tends to be doughy when the top part is starting to brown. I did make the perfect poppy seed bread once. It was not doughy in the middle and the edges and outside was the perfect golden brown and when I tasted the warmed glaze from the bread still being warm, everything just melted in your mouth. It was the moistest bread I had made. Sadly the next time I made this bread wasn't as satisfying, but I will learn how to perfect the process, I already have with cupcakes.

    1. I think you should give me the recipe. That bread sounds delicious. And by the way when i wrote out delicious that's how I heard it in my head. Each little letter. I can't bake for crap, scuse my french. I've been known to burn microwavable popcorn.

    2. Hello Katie,
      That bread sounds fantastic. I used to love to eat poppy seed muffins, but then found out that they can make you fail drug screens. My last job would preform random drug screens, so I unfortunately have gotten in the habit of not having them. What a drag. I plan on eating all the poppy seed muffins I want when I retire working!

  9. It is always a pleasure to talk about food and most importantly to talk about your first bite. Here is my favorite plate of all times CHICKEN IN TARRAGON-MUSTARD CREAM SAUCE. Yes, this is one of my favorite plates. I just took my first bite of this delicious plate and I’m still rolling my eyes. The sweet flavor that it had, the juicy chicken, and the mustard sauce were just perfect. Feeling the tenderness of the food made me feel like in heaven. While I was enjoying this amazing plate my mind went all over the world imagining how life would it be without food. Every single bite that I took was a moment of joy, nor was it a delighting having all these flavors in my mouth and tasting every single flavor. Imagine having this plate tonight with a glass of wine and looking at the stars. This first bite was something unique because I had never tasted something like it before. Yes, I will give you the name of this amazing restaurant so you can go and enjoy this delicious plate and dream of all things possible while eating it. Here is it is FRANCO ON MELROSE located in Melrose Ave. Los Angeles. If you have the chance to go please do so. Every bite will be a unique one I guarantee it. All the personnel is amazing and they have the best customer service in town. Lastly, as of right now I still have the taste of this delicious food.

    1. That sounds fantastic! I have never thought of that combination, but now I want to try it.

    2. This dish sounds amazing! I can only imagine the explosion of flavors that would be happening. Food is amazing.

  10. Thinking of the best bite of food I’ve ever had is probably one of the worst questions I’ve ever had to think about. Being a huge foodie for most of my life, I’ve gotten the chance to try many different foods from a variety of places, whether they were fast food chains, popular mainstream restaurant chains, or little hole-in-the-wall mom and pop eateries. Nothing, and I mean nothing, beats out homemade food. After thinking about this question for about two days I’ve grudgingly made the decision, even though other parts of my brain keep fighting with each other about it, to say the best bite of food I’ve ever had was my aunt’s homemade chicken and dumplings. She boils the chicken for a while until its fall apart tender and then adds in bisquick biscuit mix, because she’s lazy and its simpler, in lumps of doughy puffiness to the broth with the chicken until there are little clumped up balls of doughy yumminess floating and crammed against the rim of the pot which then gets a lid on it until its done. Once you’ve got this delicious stuff in a bowl and you can smell the yeasty dough and the spiced savory chicken, it’s about all you can do not to start drooling. The broth is hot and flavorful: almost burning your tongue and the roof of your mouth since you can’t wait to eat it. The pale dumplings are moist and puffy, the chicken practically melts in your mouth, and the thyme, rosemary, and other spices that were used to flavor the dish add in that last bit of kick.

    1. I agree. Having to pick the single best food was probably the worst question because it makes you think. I am a big fan of chicken and dumplings because they are one of the best comfort foods. They are especially good when you are sick or when it's cold outside.

    2. Hello Samantha,
      I also agree with you and Taylor about having to pick one food as your best bite. I remembered another best bite in middle of completing my blog post. I don’t think this question should be narrowed down to one choice. It should be a first, second, and third choice question. Your aunt’s chicken and dumplings sound fantastic.

  11. I don't have a particular dish that I would consider the "best" but there is a food that is my favorite for many reasons. I remember the first time I took a bite of avocado. It was a warm but breezy summer day. The sun was about to set and I was on sitting on the roof with my cousins. This was especially exciting to me since I was only ten at the time. As you can imagine this was dangerous but the only adult supervision we had was my fifteen year old cousin. He brought up a few bowls of green mush on the roof. I took a bite of it with no expectations or idea of what it was. To my surprise it was the best thing I've ever tasted. My ten year old mind saw it was green mush with milk and sugar. As I found out a few years later, that green mush was delicious avocado. Since then I've had a love for avocados. In fact, the first thing I look for on a menu is dishes with avocado. Other then taste, I hold avocado near and dear to my foodie heart because it brings me back to one of the greatest moments of my childhood.

    1. I love avocado! I like to put it in milk and add some sugar and eat away. It's so good to just eat with anything. I'm so weird when it comes to avocado, I will literally add it to anything. We should have an avocado party.

  12. The single best bite of food that I have ever had are the tamales that my grandma makes every Christmas. She only makes them once a year during the holiday seasons and every time they just taste better and better. She makes them so delicious that whenever I eat the last one I end up being sad for a minute because I am forced to realize that I will now have to wait until next year for her to make them again. She has a secret ingredient that she puts in them but she refuses to say what it. The tamales always end up having just the right amount of masa and tons of different types of meat in them. Unlike many places that sell tamales she actually fills them up with a good amount of meat instead of just having a lot of masa and a little piece of meat. They smell so delicious and you can smell it from every room in the house. Each bite of the tamales just tastes better and more delicious than the previous bite. This is the dish that has been my favorite since I was a kid and I always look forward to the Christmas time to eat them.

    1. I love tamales too, especially when they are made just right. I would eat them morning, day and night with a big cold glass of milk. YUM!

    2. I absolutely love tamales especially during the holidays! I actually do a food exchange with a few of my Mexican friends during thanksgiving, I give them Filipino lumpia which is like an egg roll for delicious tamales.

    3. Tamales are so good. And the only time you can eat most of them is in holidays. But its great having people in my family who can make them very delicious.

  13. The boiling sound of water is heard from across the room, and the smell is divine. The smoke carries its worth with a bold flavor of mouth watering anticipation. The shuffling choreography of utensils that harbor the delicate aroma within the pot is like listening to a jazz drummer brushing a groovy jazz beat. I would have never thought my mother for a jazz musician, but she had rhythm, she had soul. As my mother held that groove, there was the sound of syncopated clapping coming from my aunts. Bursts of flower would fill the air and my aunts were the magicians responsible. The sounds the visual effects were energizing and uplifting that it would make anything want to jump up and dance. As a child growing up, I would sit and remember the sounds that made up the perfect meal, the groove that filled the belly with joyous nutrition, love, and soul. The mouth watering boils of water filled with spices and grains. The secrets of dust fill rooms where magicians were hard at work. I can say that for most this meal would be considered simple and plain; however for me a plate of such amazing moments only takes me back to my child hood. Who would have thought that home cooked beans, rice and a side of home made flower tortillas would be so amazingly good. It's like coming home with every bite.

    1. I agree that the best bite of food isn't necessarily about the meal but about the atmosphere and moments shared while dining. I connect a lot of the experiences I've had in life with food. I feel like food brings people together to create the best memories like the one you had. It really is amazing.

    2. This is a really great description, it is like I am actually in your kitchen! Yes, the atmosphere definitely plays a pivotal role in how delicious food is. It really makes me think about my own home cooked meals from my mother and grandmother.

    3. I agree with you and febizza and jacklyn. The environment the food is prepared in makes it taste so much better. I definitely thought of being a kid again and hearing the sounds of a meal being prepared and cooked. Some of my favorite meals were those that were cooked outside. I know most people wouldn't think of cooking outside, but growing up I always knew of someone who had a kitchen outside. I miss those days.

    4. I'm a sucker for home cooked beans. I can honestly eat that at all hours of the day and in most cases everyday of the week. When I go home to LA that is the first thing I look for when my mother asks if I am hungry. I'd choose homemade Mexican food over any fancy dinner any day.

  14. I don’t really know which food is the best food I have had but for me I have really enjoyed a lot of different kind of food. But if I could choose one place that had the best burgers I have ever had it would be Umami Burgers in Los Angeles Californian. I had about three different kinds of burgers from there menu. There burgers are pretty small but worth every penny. The first one I had was called Cali Burger which had butter lettuce, slow roasted tomato, house spread, house-made American cheese with caramelized onions. The burger was sweet and yet so good that I always want more. I never thought a sweet burger would be good. The second one was called the Hatch Burger which has four types of green chilies. It’s pretty hot but I love things with a lot of chili. I can’t eat things that I don’t add chili on. Third was called the Umami Burger that has parmesan crisp, shiitake mushroom, roasted tomato, caramelized onions, with their home made ketchup. This burger was so good with treat, the mushrooms alone were so warm and had some kind of sauce I couldn’t pick point. Then there homemade ketchup was to dead for. It was not sweet like all the ketchup in the stores it was just perfect. I go down to that burger place about ones a year but I wish they would make one near here. I think I liked Umami burger more than in and out even though in and out is so good too. It was the best.

  15. The single best bite of food that I have ever had would have to be a bite of Shepherd's Pie from the Auld Dubliner Irish Pub and Restaurant in Squaw Valley. I have only had this dish once, but that one time has changed my life. By combining perfectly Irish seasoned ground beef and lamb sizzled in beef stock with the most tender peas, carrots, and leeks marinated in the stock topped with potatoes and a champagne sauce, then slow roasted. This dish was a piece of heaven on Earth. Maybe the snow gave me the idea to crave something warm, maybe I was tired of fast food and craved a real meal, but it was delicious. I can still smell its wonderful aroma that filled my hotel suite when I opened the take out box that it was in. The rosemary, thyme, and sage spiced ground beef and lamb meatballs were nothing less than amazing. The carrots and peas in the beef stock along with the potatoes melted in my mouth. Although I am not a big fan of sauces, the champaign sauce was perfectly brewed and distributed throughout the dish. Thinking about it now just makes my mouth water. I have actually been craving this dish all week and have set a date to return to the Auld Dubliner sometime soon.

    1. Boy do I love a good Shepherd's Pie.. As I was reading "By combining perfectly Irish seasoned ground beef and lamb sizzled in beef stock with the most tender peas, carrots, and leeks marinated in the stock topped with potatoes and a champagne sauce, then slow roasted" I swear I started salivating just staring at my laptop screen. Unfortunately I've never had any sort of authentic Shepherd's Pie, nor have I been out to Squaw Valley in quite some time, but it seems I have a reason to go back!

    2. Hi Taylor,
      I have tried that pie before I enjoyed it very much. I know how you feel about fast food it is gets old after a while.

  16. Most people have not yet experienced the wonders of the crispy, moist, cream-filled, sandwich- like cookie that I am about to describe. Some may recognize it as the commonly misconstrued macaroon, but it is none other than, the macaron. The best bite of food I have ever had was a scrumptious dessert, a macaron ice cream sandwich from Milk in Los Angeles, California. When you walk up to the store, you first see a line all the way down the block. You tell yourself that you do not want to wait in such a long line, but you just do not have the guts to get leave. As you enter the store, you are greeted with the sweet aroma of the desserts. You glance over the left side and get a glimpse of a see-through refrigerator filled with different colors and flavors of the ice cream sandwiches. As the server hands you your macaron sandwich, you cannot help but squeal at the magnificent sight. You make your way out of the line to find somewhere to enjoy your dessert. There is hardly any room to sit in the narrow store, but you make do with what you have. You greedily take the first bite and immediately feel enamored by the texture and taste. The cookie was the perfect amount of crunchy and chewy, the ice cream was flavorful and creamy. That first bite was out of this world but the last bite was bittersweet. It was saddening to think that this delectable morsel would come to an end. Since it is located in Los Angeles, I do not go often as I want to. I actually crave it almost everyday because I have the biggest sweet tooth. I have attempted to make the famous macarons at home, but it is such a temperamental cookie that it is very difficult to succeed. After writing this description, I am craving it even more now. I think I will be needing make an impromptu visit to Los Angeles very soon.

    1. I like to self proclaim myself as a LA foodie, and OH MAN, MILK is one of my favorite places to stop by when I am there. After a night of going out and dancing, there's nothing like waking up to eat delicious korean bbq, and then wait in line at the lovely MILK. By far, one of my favorite places to go to.

    2. I have unfortunately not tried this dessert you speak about, but you had me at crispy, moist and cream-filled. I am originally from LA and I can not believe I have not tried this before, which only makes me want to go and try this place out.

    3. I am not big on sweets but you put a smile on my face and almost brought a tear to my eye as you described the pain you endured after that last bite. I've never heard of Milk but next time I am in LA I will definetly have to try it out.

    4. That's sounds interesting. I have never hear of that place before. i will have to try it out if I am in the area.

    5. I totally get you Beau, Korean BBQ is the best! Yes everyone should try it, it is so delicious!

    6. Sounds delicious. I travel to Los Angeles often, but have never heard of this place, next time I am in Los Angeles I will definitely will be going there.

  17. As you exit the CA 101 South freeway onto N. Alvarado Street, you may begin to second guess coming to this part of Los Angeles. The location of Langer’s Delicatessen restaurant is far from your ideal everyday lunch spot. To say the least, it sits on the opposite corner of MacArthur Park, the infamous setting of The Red Hot Chili Peppers’ song “Under the Bridge”. As you enter you still may not be impressed, as the décor is far from a five star restaurant, but that’s not why people come to Langer’s, they come for the world’s best pastrami. If you’re a first time diner, you must order their famed #19 sandwich. It begins with two large slices of toasted Rye bread, slices so delicious and brittle you’d want to take one or two more loaves to go. Next comes the main attraction, layer after layer of pastrami. Pastrami so good, Langer’s has the option to have it flown and delivered as far as another country overseas if desired. This simple but memory making sandwich is finished off with their homemade coleslaw, several slices of freshly cut Swiss cheese, all covered with tangy Russian dressing. The smoky and salty flavors of the pastrami, combined with the rich coleslaw and Swiss cheese are a perfect match. If you’re not familiar with Russian dressing, its flavor is similar to thousand island, and let’s be honest, you’d be crazy not to love it. Your plate is covered with a generous mountain of fries, followed by a couple of pickle spears to clear off your palate at the end of the meal. Though it hardly ever gets rid of the taste in your mouth, you’re bound to go back for more.

    1. Hi Anthony,
      That sounds like a amazing dish. It sounds so good it makes me hungry just reading about.

    2. Anthony,
      I enjoyed reading the interesting details you put in your blog about the surroundings of your most treasured sandwich. As you talked about the possibility of one not being impressed by the location of the restaurant I immediately thought about some of my favorite places to eat that some would never dream to venture. This place sounds neat. I am not familiar with any Russian seasonings but I do love a pastrami sandwich made the right way.

  18. What better way to end a meal, than with a sweet loving dessert? Although I am not one to try many foods since I don’t like many ingredients, I have to admit I fell in love with this particular dessert I tried from apple bees. Although it might be a common restaurant that mainly everyone has gone at least once, one must go once more and try their dessert dish called “blue ribbon brownie bite”. This particular chocolate brownie with walnuts in between topped with vanilla ice cream will blow your mind, not only because its chocolate topped with more chocolate but it gets better. You are served the best of both worlds, a delicious warm chocolate brownie with a great cold scoop of vanilla ice cream; both topped with delicious hot fudge.
    Now I’m going to ask you all to close your eyes and picture yourself at apple bees, and for those who have never been to this restaurant, picture yourself at a typical restaurant but this one is all about sports with all flat screens streaming different current games. Now picture a friendly face waitress walking towards your table holding the a dish that holds a supper moist chocolate brownie with chunks of nuts and hot fudge and right beside it a perfect scoop of vanilla ice cream. Although it may be a rowdy restaurant once you see the blue ribbon brownie bite you’ll zone out all the noise and focus on your upcoming dessert. As it is headed your direction it’s like you could almost taste it, with the simple smell of a freshly baked chocolate brownie your mouth will begin to get really watery and before you know it you’ll be wanting more.

    1. Hi Beatrice,
      I am not a big dessert person but that sounds amazing. I'll have to go their and try that blue ribbon brownie bite.

    2. You really should. I'm not much of a chocolate lover myself but it is delicious.

  19. I don’t remember the last time I ate something that has left a lasting memory of it. That is mainly due to me being a very simple man and a regular sandwich will do. I don’t enjoy food as much as other people do. For me, food is just fuel and nothing more. But for the sake of this blog entry I will try to remember something I have eaten that stood out from the rest. The turkey sandwich that I made a few days ago was the best one that I have had. The toasted bread was very crunchy, which is how I prefer my food to be. The bread was slightly burned due to losing track of time the bread is in the toaster. The turkey was not too dry or moist, and the spinach that day was a cool dark green. The lettuce was very crisp and the tomato was a bright and juicy red color. The sandwich was packed with all the vegetables and just keeping the top slice from sliding off was annoying. There were more vegetables than meat, which is how I prefer my sandwiches, that one would think it was a vegetarian sandwich.
    The first bite of the sandwich was very loud. The combination of the crisp lettuce and toasted bread, the sound can be related to that of eating a potato chip. The moist lettuce masked some of the burnt taste of the bread. This sandwich had to have been the best thing I have eaten recently. The imbalance of vegetables and meat was great and the warm, toasted bread paired nicely with the cold turkey and vegetables.

  20. With so many excellent dishes and different kinds of food, it is really difficult to just pick one. I have a great appreciation for foods that are, in the words of an old co-worker with a heavy Spanish accent, "Extra good." I've held many jobs in different food places and if I had pick one with the best food I'd have to give it to Frugatti’s Italian Eatery. Many years ago, the original Frugatti’s owner also owned a restaurant called Giovanni's in a small town called Shafter. The restaurant is still there but it is nothing like it used to be. My aunt used to manage Giovanni's and as a child she took pity on me and my boredom one summer by allowing me to go to work with her. I cleaned tables, swept the floors and took a few drink orders. I remember all the different aroma's from fresh baked bread to the calzone's being cooked in a wood fire grill oven. Seeing eggplant parmesan and baked mostaccioli being pulled out of the fire covered with a blanket of slightly toasted mozzarella cheese, made me fan of Italian food for life. However, there was one dish I was skeptical of even though it smelled wonderful; stuffed mushrooms. For me, mushrooms were a disgusting fungus and I wanted nothing to do with them but after a while of people ordering this popular appetizer dish, I finally caved and decided I would give one a try. I bit into the half dollar size appetizer and immediately fell in love. The blend of butter, Italian sausage and mushroom was incredible. The mushroom juices just invaded every corner of my mouth. The fresh parmesan and mozzarella cheese tried to escape but I quickly grabbed the melted cheese from my chin. Ever since that day, I cannot go to Frugattis without getting this dish. I made them once for a work potluck and they did not last past round one. Whenever I am trying to be a health nut, I often tell myself that food is just fuel for the body but for some foods there are just no substitutions.

    1. Hi Sabrina,
      I agree it was very difficult to pick one dish. I would have to try that place it sounds good. I like Italian food its one my favorite dishes.

  21. against any style of cooking. This makes it difficult to decide which is the very best moment of my single best bite of food.
    I have been to many places, but for some reason the one that stands out the most is in Baltimore. The restaurant is called The Blue Moon Café, and is located in an old small rustic building. The restaurant has been featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, and is locally known for their “Bad Ass Breakfast!” motto. As expected, I had to wait one and a half hours to be seated but it was well worth the wait. One of the servers said if I try any thing it should be their most famous breakfast plate called Sweet baby Jesus, and after the first bite that is what you want to say, “Sweet baby Jesus!” It is best described as pure love in your mouth. I am still in a daze when I talk about it. The plate contained poached eggs over loads of fresh Maryland lump crabmeat and layers of crispy hash browns. All of the components, of this breakfast, are covered by homemade hollandaise sauce, fresh tomatoes, tons of shredded sharp cheese, and spiced with Old Bay seasoning. It may be a simple combination, but it is a potent mixture that overwhelms the pallet with goodness. It is not very often that you place a breakfast plate over so many fantastic dinner plates. It is sad to say that this breakfast is so far away. I yearn for the next time I’m in the Blue Moon Café.

    1. Hi Azael,
      I have been to that restaurant, but it does good. It makes me want to try that dish.

  22. Ocean breeze blowing through my hair as I walk into the restaurant, the aroma of seafood overwhelm my senses. As I sit down to eat the seafood cuisine with my family, I chose the seafood pasta which is a medley of artichoke hearts, roasted tomatoes, fresh mushroom, accompanied shrimp and scallops tossed in an alfredo sauce with just a hint of garlic. Anxiously awaiting the arrival of my dish, it finally arrives and the first bite is unbelievable delicious. The harmony of the sauce mixed with the succulent shrimp and the shrimp was cooked perfectly it was so juicy. Also, the pasta had some scallops they were mouth watering in my mouth. The done was perfectly I never had such an amazing dish like this before. The artichoke hearts were soft they melted in my mouth. The artichoke was so perfect they were done with perfection. The vegetables had a perfect blend in the pasta. I don’t usually like tomatoes but these had a special taste about them. The taste was something I like I never tasted before. The tomatoes were cooked just right. They were so juicy and seasoned just right I would eat everyday if I could. Having a glass of wine top it off with perfection. The name of the wine was called Chardonnay completed the dish. The wine had a crisp yet refreshing taste to compliment the mouthwatering shrimp and juicy scallops that sent my taste buds into pure heaven. The place where I had this amazing dish was at steamers at Pismo Beach. These place I must visit at least every time I visit.

    1. Hi Christy,
      This dish sounds so good, I love seafood. My family and I go to Pismo Beach all the time and I have always seen that resturant but I have never gone in and eaten there. It seems like the next time I am over there I am going to have to try it.

    2. Hi Christy,
      I enjoyed reading your post, you were very descriptive and after reading this I found myself wanting to try it out even though I don't even like seafood.

  23. The single best bite of food I have ever had is from a restaurant in my hometown Kingsburg, CA. It is a Chinese restaurant named Sun Hong Kong and their orange chicken is just amazing. I also vividly remember the first time I had orange chicken here. I was about 9 years old and went with my mom and friends after the Swedish Festival, a festival that Kingsburg has every year. I never really liked Orange Chicken so I ordered sweet n’ sour and one of my friends ordered orange chicken, but the waiter accidently mixed up our plates. As soon as I took that first bite there was no way my friend was getting her plate back so we had to order her another one and from that moment I was hooked. I never knew that orange chicken could taste so good. The Orange chicken I have had from other restaurants are all the same, thick breaded balls that are too crispy and too sweet but Sun Hong Kong’s orange chicken is perfection. It is thinly sliced chicken breast not crispy at all and not too sweet. It has the perfect blend of spicy and also sweet and their fried rice is also the best fried rice I’ve ever had. After eating there I realized it is a Kingsburg favorite and it has been my go to place ever since.

    1. Hi Angelica,
      I love Orange Chicken and I think that it is super funny that Orange Chicken became your favorite dish and it was not even what you had ordered.

    2. I agree with you and Dominique. I love orange chicken from Panda Wok here in bakersfield

    3. Orange chicken is one of my favorites. I feel like I can smell it when reading your post. This might influence the place of my review.

  24. The best bit of food I have ever had is a magical thing called fry sauce. I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah and when I was young I moved here to Bakersfield. Every summer growing up though I would go back to Utah and I could not wait until I could go to a restaurant and order fry sauce. Growing up here in California I have gone and tried to ask for fry sauce from different restaurants and in the end, after they stopped looking at me like a was some weird little girl, nowhere ever had it. It was so strange to me that here in California no one knew what it was but if you went you Utah and you did not know what fry sauce was they would look at you like you were the crazy one. Every time some has told me their recipe for fry sauce there is always a secret ingredient, and it is different for everyone. I have tried to make it at home before but it never turns out just right. My favorite place to get fry sauce from is a restaurant called Artic Circle and it is great because you can buy it by the bottle and take it home. If you ever happen to be in Utah make sure you order a side of fry sauce to go with your french fries.

  25. The single best bite of food I’ve ever had has to be chili cheese fries. Not just any regular chili cheese fries that anyone can buy at Carl’s Jr. or Jack in the Box. These chili cheese fries are from a burger place called Jim’s Burgers in Los Angeles. I remember going to Jim’s burgers since childhood, but my parents would only buy me a burger and fries. I would always see and hear people ordering chili cheese fries. All those years I wondered what they actually tasted like, until one day an opportunity came up to visit Jim’s burgers with my friends and I dived in and order the chili cheese fries. I couldn’t believe what I had been missing out all those years. These chili cheese fries are created so simply yet so good. First they layer the plate with an overwhelming amount of crispy and crunchy French fries, then they top the fries with their extra meaty chili which is made daily. After that they add cheddar cheese on top and if you would like they can add chopped onions on top. When you first taste the chili cheese fries in your mouth you feel this sense of being in chili cheese fries heaven. Each bite is guaranteed to consist of crunchy fries smothered with gooey melted cheese and meaty chili. Also, the smell is fulfilling and is bound to invade the surrounding dining area.

    1. Hello Raul, I haven't been to Jim's Burgers in Los Angeles but from the sounds of it I might have to pay them a visit. Chili cheese fries are always a crowd pleaser in my book. There are so many different variations of chili cheese fries that it would be hard to decide which ones are the best. I'll have to take your word about how wonderful the ones you had at Jim's Burgers.

  26. The best bite of food that I have ever had was at Red Robin. I order the same thing every time I go there, the mushroom burger. It is absolutely perfect every time I go there. Being someone who does not enjoy a toasted bun, their soft, not toasted bun is amazing. I could probably live on just bread if I had too. From years of doing swim I have consumed massive amounts of bread and I still love it. This may sound weird, but if you put sesame seeds on it I will love it. Like my favorite bagel is a sesame seed bagel and the best teriyaki chicken I have ever had, had sesame seeds on it and I really think that is why I liked it so much. Also, if it has cheese on it I will love it. Next is the hamburger patty. Red Robin is probably the only burger place that does not ask their customers how they want their burger cooked. I was worried about this at first because I cannot eat a burger that is too rare and I do not like it well-done either, but it is usually cooked about medium and that is how I prefer it. Now on to the best part, the mushrooms. I love mushrooms even by themselves and not cooked in anything. Red Robin cooks their's in garlic which I think is the best way to cook them. I love garlic, and they do not just cook it in garlic, they smother it in garlic. Then there is the bottomless fries. I always top all my burgers with fries no matter where I go. I cannot eat a burger without fries on it, and if I do not have fries I usually substitute them with chips.

    1. Hello Kristen, I have always been a sucker for burgers. There are so many different types to consider when ordering them. I haven't been to Red Robin for a while but from what I remember their burgers are tasty. You also cant go wrong with a cold brew to wash down your food. I also have to agree with you about the whole garlic thing too. Garlic, and lots of it usual make for a good dish.

  27. The best bite of pizza I had was from Lr's Pizza in Delano. Once you walk in, it already smells like pizza. The Chile Verde pizza there is the best I've ever had. The crust is thick and crispy and soaks up the juice to where is drips off your lips when you take a bite. They also put the most cheese that I've ever seen put on a pizza compared to all the pizzerias that I have gone to in my life. I've been going to this place for years, basically all my life eating at this pizzeria. The smell of it sitting in front of your face makes you want to eat the whole pizza. There is no way someone would be able to eat a whole small chile verde pizza by themselves due to the amount of pizza it actually is. I love eating at this place and the food is just amazing! I recommend that everyone should try it and go see this place in Delano. It's also connected to a bar which everyone that is over twenty one loves to do. Its a great family place and party place for all ages. Lr's pizza is the best pizza when it comes to chile verde pizza!

    1. Even though I have never been to Lr's Pizza, I can already agree with you on your food choice. I've never heard of a Chile Verde pizza but in a way it sound like something I would like to eat. Reading and writing about all this food is making me hungry!

    2. Hello Larry,
      I hope you are doing great! When you were talking about the chile verde pizza my mouth dropped!!! The way you were describing it was amazing! It really made me want to eat some!! Hopefully one day soon I can go to the place that you mentioned! Maybe I will be able to bring the family there as well. My family and I love pizza! It was nice talking to you. Hope you have a great night.

  28. The single best bite of food that I ever had has to be whenever I got to my favorite Chinese food restaurant Sam Woos. I don't go their very often because it is located in China Town Los Angeles. My favorite dish at Sam Woos is the beef chow mien, with the noodles pan-fried (Hong Kong style). This dish is unlike none other chow mien dishes because the beef is always tender and the cause that is used is somewhat indescribable. The noodles is what makes the dish so delicious because of the texture and taste. The pan-fried noodles comes out crispy and also tender in some parts due to the sauce soaking into the noodles. This restaurant has many other dished that are to die for. They serve all the traditional dishes that we all know but they are tastier than any other Chinese restaurants that I have ever been to. The first thing that you will notice when you enter the restaurant is that they have roasted ducks hang for purchase and also a huge fish tank that serves more of a purpose than just to look at. During the meal I always notice that some of the fish in the fish tank quickly become part of a meal for others in the restaurant. Even though there are many different thing on the menu, I always seem to order the beef chow mien with crispy noodles. I recommend this dish and restaurant to anyone that get a chance to visit China Town.

    1. I've always wanted to venture into China Town in Los Angeles. The aromas that linger in the air from the restaurants when I passes are very pleasing. Now that you mention Sam Woos I am definitely going to give it a chance and go into China Town to try Sam Woos and will be ordering the beef chow mien

  29. The single best bite of food I have ever had was of hamburger helper on a piece of wheat bread. This probably sounds horrible, but at that moment I swore I could eat hamburger helper all day every day for the rest of my life. I want to say that it was because it was cheesy, meaty, and easy to eat. While eating it, I remember anticipating the next bite and being so thankful mom decided to go with this quick and easy meal. I only remember eating it up untill middle school. Once I got to, I can't recall ever eating it again. I'm not sure if I just didn't like it or if I simply grew out of it. I have no desire to ever eat it again either.

  30. The best tasting bite I have ever had in my whole entire life we have to be my mother's famous dish called ziti. When I first time I ever tried one bite it was so amazing. What's in the ziti is yummy pasta, three different types of cheeses, marinara sauce, and ground beef. Would you makes all of those together and you put them in a dish it's incredible. What is so nice is that the three different types of cheeses are layered in the dish. The first cheese is chatter. The second cheese is provolone, in the last cheese is sharp cheddar. And the sharp cheddar goes on the complete top. I love the amount of cheese that is in this dish. It melts in your mouth the moment you take your first bite. The ground beef in the and the marinara go hand-in-hand. The ground beef is seasoned very well and the marinara has pesto and tomato sauce in it. When it goes into the oven you cannot wait until it comes out. All three of the cheeses while they're in the oven melts like a glaze on top of the dish. We take it out of the oven and we put it on a dish it looks beautiful. And when you take your first bite. The sharp cheddar hits you first. Then the pasta in the ground beef with the yummy marinara sauce smoothest ride in. The taste is so call mean but very sharp into the point it makes your mouth water and you would want so much more. The moment you take one bite all you can do is take another and another until the dishes completely gone. As long as I live I will never forget that first day I tried my mother's ziti! The best in the whole wide world.
