Answer one of the following questions this week:
Is it true that hurt people hurt people?
Would you rather be invincible from physical or emotional harm?
Life is unfair. It is unfair to everyone. So isn't that fair?
Some physicists claim that time travel is impossible. Isn't living already travelling through time?
Would you rather have your ideal job or your ideal mate?
These are time sensitive. You do not receive credit if you write them after the deadline each week. Furthermore, if you are in the habit of writing everything on Saturday you will not receive full credit. Why? There would be no time for others to interact with your writing. Write early; write often! Right? Right!
First, there's a blog entry (about 250 words) which will have you respond to a hopefully thought-provoking question. Each week, you must do the blog entry with enough time left in the week to be able to enter into dialogue online with your classmates. Write, reply, write more, reply more, and then write and reply more.
Second, there's a reading. There’s no blog entry associated with this. Just read.
Third, there's a written response to the reading. Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the SATURDAY (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. This entry should be a long paragraph. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND TO OTHER STUDENTS' PART THREE EACH WEEK.
First, there's a blog entry (about 250 words) which will have you respond to a hopefully thought-provoking question. Each week, you must do the blog entry with enough time left in the week to be able to enter into dialogue online with your classmates. Write, reply, write more, reply more, and then write and reply more.
Second, there's a reading. There’s no blog entry associated with this. Just read.
Third, there's a written response to the reading. Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the SATURDAY (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. This entry should be a long paragraph. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND TO OTHER STUDENTS' PART THREE EACH WEEK.
All of this topics are great and I wish I could write about all of them but I will choose about having the ideal mate. I believe that in the course of our lifetime we meet a lot of people and we give some of them a chance. There are some people who so marry their high school sweet heart at a young age such as 18-22 but they end up in divorce by the time they are 30 or so. Some of those people surprisingly make it and they have that same high school sweet heart spouse for 45 years, but that hardly happens. I believe that finding the ideal mate is more important that having an ideal job. Once a person has his or hers ideal mate or love of his or hers life, everything else just falls into place. A man who finds a woman who doesn't care if he is just a busboy at a restaurant but completes her, then everything else is just becomes secondary. If said busboy loves this woman completely with all of his heart, then because of that love, he will try to achieve something else, something more important. A person can be the owner of multi-millonarie company but if she or he doesn't have that bond and fulfillment another person brings, then he or she has nothing. I can only compare this topic to the move "Meet Joe Black" where Anthony Hopkins plays the role of a wealthy man who has achieved all of his goals in life and it was because of the love he had for his wife. Having the ideal mate to communicate, share ideas, a house, children and a life is more important. Sharing a life with someone one loves brings more happiness than any ideal job.
ReplyDeleteI wish this wasn’t an or kind of question because having a fulfilling career is like another love of your life. I’m not talking about the money aspect. I’m talking about doing something you really enjoy. It could make you a better person in a relationship. But if it came down to it and I had to choose. It would be..ugg i don’t know. that’s why i didn't pick it. But you made a convincing argument. I like your example of the movie “Meet Joe Black.”
DeleteI agree that having an ideal mate is more important than an ideal job. We can only work as long as our bodies allow. Some people are lucky and get to work until they are almost dead, but for most people it is much sooner than that. At some point the ideal job will not exist. I would rather have an ideal partner that would be there with me through the tougher things in life.
I really liked reading all the questions. It was pretty hard picking just one but I think I am going to write about “would you rather have your ideal job or your ideal mate”? I think most people who think money is happiness would choose their ideal job. But if you think about it you can lose your ideal job whenever you become older or when you become useless to the company. One thing that is always so hard to find is the right person that will love you for you and not for what you have or don’t have. The ideal mate is something that can make you grow as a person and get that ideal job. When someone is fully happy enough you can do anything you put your mind on. And a person can change every day so what you find to be your ideal job one day can change over time. Let’s say you get your ideal job and become a millionaire. You buy a big house and a nice car. Everything you never would think you would get. But you feel like you’re still missing that one thing called love. You meet a girl who sees your nice car and your big house, they may like you or see you like a dollar sign. It’s harder to find out what they are really after. So it gets tougher to find a real ideal mate for yourself. When you could of started with your ideal mate and worked your way up to a millionaire being happier, then later not knowing the truth till it was too late. Plus money doesn't make you happy. Sharing your life with people is what makes it great.
ReplyDeleteI saw this question and thought what a tough question! It’s like one of those games “would you rather have your toes longer than your legs or your legs as long as your toes?” You made some excellent points. Money is meaningless without the right person in your life.
DeleteI completely agree, I would definitely rather have nothing but the love of my life than have all the riches in the world. There are too many gold diggers in the world to pick money over true love.
Deletevery interesting
DeleteTime is a man made invention. It is a perception of a built in reality we have formed for ourselves. We use it to measure our lives and events throughout our relatively short existence, compared to the earth and solar system. Furthermore, time is relative to where you are. For example, we measure a day based on the sun’s rhythms. If we were on Venus, one full rotation would be 243 Earth days! That would completely alter our perception of time. That really ups the ante on “spending your days wisely.”
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, I was reading the book “The power of now.” It pointed out that we are the only animals that break our existence down into units of time. Dogs and cows have no real concept of time and that is why they are so happy. They are virtually clueless. The book argues that without a sense of time, we may be happier beings. I think this claims carries some weight. People are always trying to change past events because they are unhappy with the present. Maybe they wished they had used their time better and gone to school earlier or taken a job opportunity. Or they limit their future because they feel restricted in the amount of time they have. It’s an abstract concept that people allow to dictate their actions. Then then time becomes concrete. We can’t alter the past, but we can alter the future by taking advantage of the present.
The book you are referring to sounds like a great read! I like that you said that time is man made.We created everything to revolve around time. Work, school, sleep, eating; everything has to do with a past, present, and future.
DeleteRachel, I lectured on historical notions of time in world history this quarter...what you wrote here is better than what I lectured about. I should have had you do the lecture. Time is sensed differently in each culture...boggles the mind to add animals into the mix, but certainly it is a fascinating idea. Here is a great edition of radio lab that deals with speed, sort of the same topic:
Deleteenjoy, dr. s
I really liked your thoughts on this topic. I hate that i'm always planning my days based off time. I blame society. If it were up to me, i'd get rid of 'time'. I would just live freely and be even later to everything as I already am always late to everything.
DeleteI believe it is true that hurt people hurt people. Everything in life is very influential. The way that I will address this question is through the emotional pain that people endure. When people have already experienced emotional heartbreak, it is easy to do onto others what has been done onto them. Many people in relationships succumb to this phenomenon quite often. People feel the need to treat another person the same way that they were treated, or even shield themself so much that they end up hurting the person without knowledge of doing so. Shielding can cause others to hurt as well because by not letting someone in, you are pushing them away and it gets frustrating for both parties. People may even pull emotions from past relations with their family members and not only from past romantic relationships. Bullies are a prime example of this question as well because bullies were once the bullied themselves, most likely from a family member. What they all have in common is that they feel that in order to mask their own pain, they must be the ones who inflict the pain. Of course it is not always the case that hurt people hurt other people, but it is the case the majority of the time. We are not born to hurt people; we learn to do that through experience. Similar to babies, we often act in the way that we are taught and it is sad that we sometimes are taught to be cruel to others just because others were cruel to us.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I agree with your comments on telling previous emotional or dissatisfied relationships leak over to new and better relationships. I have seen this happen and since I have been hurt by others I have shields up as well. Once trust is broken it is hard to get the trust back even if someone has done nothing to be untrustworthy. (Not sure if that was worded right). It is difficult to break down that wall and not hurt others by shutting them out.
DeleteReading these topics the one that I think makes me want to talk is the one about life being unfair. Since, life is unfair to everyone doesn't that make it fair? thinking about this comment I have to say that life isn't unfair to everyone but a lot of people will try to go along with life and use the disadvantage that life throws at them and overcome it. In this way they can say that they have accomplished something in their life and be proud of the accomplishments that they have achieved with the disadvantages. The problem I have with this is the fact that if a person didn't have the disadvantage to begin with they probably could have achieved a lot more in their life and made a even bigger difference for others with their achievements. One of the saying's that I remember as a kid was, "Life is a Bitch!". At the time I didn't really know what to say to this comment because life didn't seem so hard as a kid and was in fact very fun and trouble free besides the trouble you bring to yourself. Now, that I have lived a little bit and have struggled to say find a job, start school, and live on your own I can say I know what my Uncle meant when he said, "Life is a Bitch" because it really is. I know that to accomplish things in life we have to overcome hardships but does there have to be so many?
ReplyDeleteI remember when I was little, the adults of my family would always tell me that I had to be fair when I played with my cousins, it always made me so frustrated. Now that I’m older all I can do is sit here and wonder when life went from being “fair” to knowing that life isn’t fair for nothin’. I agree with your statement though; I’ve heard it before, “life’s a bitch and then you die”.
DeleteYeah, it is hard to find a job. so we can say that life is unfair. I know, when we were kids we didn't worry of anything, but now we worry about everything especially when you have other things going. I agree with you Robert.
DeleteI would rather have an ideal mate than an ideal job. I believe that being happy when you go home is more important that being happy at work. Some people are lucky and get both an ideal job and mate, while others just get one or the other. I would much rather come home from a terrible day at work to a husband who respects me and cares for me and may even have dinner on the table, than to come home from my amazing job to a husband that can care less about me as a person or his wife. I know that I am someone who likes to know that I am loved by my partner and if I came home and was not feeling any sort of affection or appreciation from my mate, I would be very upset. I want to be able to come home angry about my job and then comforted and cheered up by my husband.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way. It takes a person to make a person feel great, not a job.
DeleteI agree. Ideal mates can help bring you up when you are down. They can also help care for you while you are ill. A job can be rewarding, and fulfill necessities in life, but cannot be with you until the end.
You can be happy without an ideal mate. it just we put all the hard work into school so it makes better since to have my ideal job and have the other stuff come later in life.
DeleteI agree its more important to find the ideal person then the ideal job.
DeleteI would prefer my ideal mate compared to an ideal job. An ideal job would be nice, but you would be working all the time and have no fun. Social interaction are what make a person who they are. I am not big on social interactions, but even I believe you need at least one person in your life to talk to and interact with. An ideal job can’t interact like a human being can. An ideal mate would challenge you intellectually, physically, and emotionally. You could get everything you need from just one person, especially if they are ideally for you. I feel a Job can’t give you all that. It might challenge you intellectually, possibly physically (depending on the job), and maybe emotionally. These will only be basic emotions though and you would be the one doing all the work. In an ideal relationship you don’t just give, you receive. Receiving emotion, especially love from someone else really brings out the best in both people. You get a sense of fulfillment and being wanted or needed. You wouldn’t get that same feeling from a job.
ReplyDeleteNobody wants to be emotionally neglected. I always imagine people being neglected as killers or something like that. When their emotions are gone they can do anything and this is a scary thought. This was an interesting question that I had never really thought of before. Even if there could be some upsides of having an ideal job I don’t believe people will be truly happy, than if they were with their ideal mate.
Incidentally, there are killers out there who commit crimes due to the fact that they cannot feel anything either emotionally or physically. I also believe that people cheat on their partners because they aren’t being satisfied in one of those areas you described. Its hard to find someone who can satisfy you intellectually, physically, and emotionally.
DeleteHI Katlyn. I wrote about the same topic and completely agree with you. I feel like it takes another person to make someone feel good not a job. I personally like going home and having someone make me happy rather than having a great day at work and to go home to someone that can care less if I am home or not.
DeleteI tend to hardly show any sort of emotion and have always been told by people that it makes them feel a bit nervous.
DeleteI agree with your first statement. And I do think that working can be fun and you can enjoy but when are so caught up with your work you won't have any time to spend with your loved one.
DeleteSome people believe that life is about work. They believe what you do for a living defines who you are, which is true in some form. However, it is not common for a person to work his or her entire life. Eventually, age catches up to everybody then the ideal job is gone. This is just one reason of many that an ideal mate is more important than an ideal job. When a person achieves a goal, reaches a milestone in life, or has experienced an amazing event in life, rarely do they credit their job. An ideal mate is a person that supports you emotionally, encourages you, and strives for you to be happy. Along with sharing your successes with an ideal mate, your ideal mate is also a friend through good and bad times. I feel one of the best things about your ideal mate is, they are also your best friend. That friendship allows complete vulnerability and freedom to be able to express yourself when you are happy or sad. I feel the ideal job may bring financial success, or a fulfilling career, but it would be a rough path to pursue without the ideal mate. Success is better enjoyed if there is an ideal mate to share with.
ReplyDeleteAzael, I agree with you completely. What difference does it make to achieve all the power if one doesn't have anybody to share it with? with an ideal mate, one can accomplish obtaining a GED and be happy about it because he or she is there to celebrate it with.
DeleteYou are right Azael. We need someone so we can share our success.
DeleteI would rather have an ideal mate than an ideal job as well. Life would be boring if you didn't have anybody to share the joys of life with. Having a job will bring you happiness but the bond between you and another person will bring more happiness.
DeleteI am the opposite. I would prefer my ideal job over mate. Actually I wouldn't care having a mate at all. I would be the type of person who would take his work home and not have time for the wife and kids. Work is fun for me and I would also work on side projects on my time off.
DeleteI’ve decided to answer the question on the invincibility to either physical or emotional harm because that one bothers me the most. I’ve had personal experience with both I guess you could say. I’ve practiced the art of physical harm in order to deal with emotional hurt and I’d have to say that I’d rather be invincible to emotional harm than physical. Physical hurts can fade or be blocked with pain killers. All wounds heal to a degree and for me at least the physical pain is more bearable. It’s the emotional harm that can follow you throughout your entire lifetime. The little jabs that you hear from someone that can be added to multiple other stabs that cause it to fester and turn your brain into a swirling void of anger and pain. It’s a feeling akin to fullness, a pounding, grating pain much like a migraine. Yet it’s a migraine that causes you to go over all the little things that are wrong with you or what is wrong with others internally. I know what it’s like to go down that road of taking pills to try and stabilize yourself to be “normal” like everyone else. Thankfully, I’ve never tried illegal drugs or drinking, although the physical harm is just as bad to some people. I learned after quite a few doctor visits that my brain doesn’t make the proper amount of serotonin which has helped, but there’s nothing worse than being able to escape the emotional pain in your own head.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. I think physical pain is only there for a while but emotional pain can last a lifetime without ever being healed.
DeleteI agree, they both have their effects on a person. A person could only take so much. it is easier for people not to see you.
DeleteI would very much rather have my ideal job over an ideal mate. I may be a bit biased because I don't care to find a mate at the moment; however, if you have the ideal job, then you can leave your mate at home while you enjoy going to work and come home and tolerate them for a few hours. I think finding the ideal job isn't that easy. You can always pick and chose a mate. Well that's how I see it. Again, i'm biased because I'm not looking for a mate so it's not a serious thing for me. Maybe if you have the ideal job then when you get home you're always going to be positive and in a good mood that your not so ideal mate is all of a sudden ideal. So it's a win win situation.
ReplyDeleteI like where your coming from its true it will come later in life. Everything don't have to happen right now. Thats why we have a future.
DeleteWorking your entire live is not worth it. I rather have my ideal mate than having an ideal job. Do not get me wrong, we all need a job but having a special someone is better than any other job. Age will catch us and our jobs will end and by having your ideal mate next to you for the rest of your live is priceless. I am a happy man with a wonderful woman that has been with me in the hardest times. We had gone through a lot of issues and she’s been there. I do not have the best job but I have her, and that’s all I need to continue with my life. Having an ideal mate is a reward that we must keep forever, I know that today things have changed. I did once had a job where I was making enough money to give her a better future but I never got to see her during the day because my job required me to be there for 14 hours every day. At the end, I decided to quit my job and spend more time with her because as you may know, sometimes that is a reason why divorce occurs. I didn’t want to lose her so I decided to find another job. As of today, we continue living happy and working. I rather have my ideal mate than having an ideal job. I may be wrong for some of you but that’s the way I am.
ReplyDeleteYes working your entire life is not worth it but your ideal would come later in life. You work so hard to get where your at.
DeleteIf I had the opportunity to be invincible from either physical or emotional harm I would choose to be invincible from emotional harm. I would choose that choice because emotional harm takes much longer to heal from then physical. Physical harm may hurt more at first but the pain will go away much sooner. Emotional harm can last for several years and even last several decades. There are even times where the emotional pain never goes away or heals and people pass away with it still being there. Also emotional pain can be so much painful than physical and it can have several bad effects on people. For example people can close themselves off from the world and not trust or open up to other people. This is not only bad but its also sad because people were meant to be happy and express themselves. Closing yourself to the world can often lead to depression and loneliness and nobody should want to live a life like that. Being invincible from emotional harm would mean that I would never get hurt emotionally and I would not have to worry about being hurt. These are some of the reason whys I would rather be invincible to emotional harm than physical harm.
ReplyDeleteI would chose the same thing because emotional takes a bigger effect on us. You made some good points.
DeleteAlthough, I chose to keep my emotional pain and be invincible from the physical pain, you make a good point about how damaging emotional pain can be. Theoretically, to be free from emotional harm would be ideal. It's is true sometimes people who undergo emotional pain never fully recover from it.
DeleteI completely agree denise
DeleteI agree with you, emotional pain can take a bigger effect on a person then physical.
DeleteFor me it would be my ideal job. I think my job is more important for me. The reason is because I believe that we need a steady job in order for a relationship to last. Without money things do not last forever. Love is good but without money it doesn’t last forever. We need money in this world in order to survive. I think having my ideal job is more important because it is making me happy. My happiness is always been more important to me. I am putting all my hard work into school so I could have my ideal job. It is taking long and me time for to finish and love could wait. Having somebody is great when you’re done with school so you start your family. I set goals for myself a while was to wait till I finish school to start to settle down. It makes it harder on me because you don’t always have time for that special someone because school takes up a lot of time. I learned from the past that they get mad when you don’t have time for them. It is true we hardly have time to go out with friends when work and go school. Working and school is stressful enough, so I don’t want to jungle all that. Now my main focus is on my career and not worries about anybody else but myself. It has been the easier for me than I never would of thought.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, you are so correct. It does take money to keep a relationship together. Most couples find difficulty in their relationships when money is tight. We are a nation motivated my money and we seem to never be satisfied. I applaud you for setting those goals. And speaking from experience, a significant other and child do complicate the workload of keeping a job and maintaining good grades and your sanity. Stick to your plan.
DeleteI chose to have my ideal job. I think of it as love can't pay the bills. I have been better off not having any sort of relationship up to this point in my life and I am planning on keeping it that way.
DeleteI would rather be invincible from physical harm rather than emotional harm. I often hear individuals talk about how emotional harm does more damage than physical harm. With physical pain, once healed, the pain will go away but emotional pain could have lasting effects. That being said, I would still choose to be free of physical harm. I couldn't image a world without emotion or being in a state of constant contentment. I once spoke to a man who had, what most would consider an unhealthy relationship, and asked him if he was happier now that he and his long time girlfriend had separated for good. He looked up and said, "Well at least with her, I knew I was alive." Now I would never condone an unhealthy or chaotic relationship, but he made a good point about individuals needing to experience a variety of emotions. If not for a beating heart, how would we know we were alive if we could not feel a variety emotion. When a death occurs or a heart is broken, individual must work through the stages of emotion's and hopefully come out of situation as a much stronger person. I also believe great writings and other talents come from those who had undergone emotional pain. Oprah, Beethoven, and country singer, Hank Williams Sr., are just a few examples of people who suffered great pain in their life but became remarkable and unforgettable with their determination and incredible talent. None of this would have been possible if harmful emotion was omitted from their lives. Painful emotions motivate people to obtain happiness and to decide what really matters in life.
ReplyDeleteBefore reading your post I thought I would want to get rid of the emotional pain, because I know from personal experience that the emotional pain does hurt more than the physical pain, but I now understand how important the emotional pain is. I know that I would not be the person I am today if it was not for an emotional pain that I have been through.
DeleteWe have some very interesting questions to choose from this week. The one I will discuss is, is it true that hurt people hurt people? I believe that it is true that hurt people hurt people. Some people do not know how to deal with their emotional distress and they can hurt people that are actually trying to help them heal from their hurt. Also, there are those people that feel that the only way for their pain to go away is to hurt others. For example, most school shooters have been hurt by bullies and they feel the only way to get back at the people that have hurt them is to retaliate against their bullies and innocent students that happen to be in the shooter path. When it involves relationships that did not workout there’s usually one person, if not both that are hurt. There’s always one that continues to make other’s life miserable because they want them to hurt just as bad. For example, I knew a couple that had broken up and the female in the relationship felt hurt because her partner didn’t want to continue in the relationship they had. So she took it upon herself to make his life miserable anyway she could.
ReplyDeleteI would rather have my ideal job over an ideal mate. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I prefer being alone and I don’t need anyone to be with for the rest of my life. Having my ideal job would mean that I would be doing what I really enjoy until retirement. Plus who wouldn’t want to get paid for doing what you truly enjoy? I know some people would prefer having their ideal mate and will argue that one will eventually lose their ideal job due to age and that their ideal mate will be with them for the rest of their life. These same people will say that money doesn’t buy happiness and being with the one you truly love is true happiness. I don’t agree. Money can buy happiness. When you go out and buy food, clothes, electronic device or other stuff you do feel happy, well at least I do. For example, today I bought two video games from two of my favorite series and I was happy when I paid for them and on my drive back home. Plus love does not pay the bills. You can tell your bill collectors that you love them but that will not help lower your debt.
ReplyDeleteI admire your ability to be alone. I sometimes wish being alone made me happy, but honestly the only time I want to be alone is when I am upset and I never get over being upset while I am alone because it always takes another person to help me feel better. Your independence makes you a strong person and will bring you a deeper satisfaction in accomplishing everything you pursue in your ideal career and life.
DeleteI always feel great finishing a project on my own when it sometimes requires more than one person. But I will admit that I will have to learn to work with others once I go and find a job after I graduate.
Delete"plus love does not pay the bills." I'm with you there on that one! I'm not sure if I could say I'd prefer one or the other, but I have lived on my own for a couple years now, still am, and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience thus far. I tend to have friends and guests over quite frequently, but have no problem shutting the place down by myself every night. Again I can't say I'd take my ideal job over my ideal mate, but I do really enjoy my independence.
DeleteIf I had to choose to be free of either physical or emotional harm, I would easily choose to be free from physical harm. The first part of my reasoning behind this is that I have been pretty accident prone for my entire life. Though I’ve not broken many bones, I’ve had a couple, but I’ve sustained a solid amount of bumps and bruises. I’m a very active person and love to try any and all sports. I participated in gymnastics from age 11 to 15, and over those four years I accumulated many sprains, strains, and several dislocations. Over 13 years of snowboarding I’ve broken my nose twice, and both collar bones. Additionally, after years and years of putting in miles while I was racing track and cross country, I was always injured, including a major stress fracture just two years ago that ended my competitive running career. After all that, it’s safe to say that I’d love to be able to do all of those things without running the risk of injury! On the opposite side, being free of emotional harm doesn’t seem to promote any benefit what so ever. One thing that I’ve been told often throughout my life, and experienced first-hand is that any failure or setback is almost crucial in the process of achieving success. Being able to respond and bounce back from a physical or emotional blow is huge when it comes to personal development. If you’ve gone your whole life without having to deal with any sort of emotional obstruction, you may not be able to handle it when life deals you a bad hand. Dealing with, and learning from emotional lows and highs really helps us grow as individuals, and is almost necessary to be able to conquer obstacles, especially those which you have failed at before.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. You must really know pain. I've down my share of sports year round and was fortunate to never brake anything or suffer from any serious sprains. Not indulging in emotion seems slightly unhealthy. Hurt feelings are a part of life.
DeleteI have to agree with you on that note. I have also shared my personal injuries due to sports as well and there the worse feeling when you aren't able to play at all and simply have to watch from the side lines. Yes, I strongly agree emotional downs allow you to grow mentally as a person as well as make you stronger, one just have to seek for the brightness in it.
DeleteI chose the rather but I also do agree on your take on this question. I feel that depending on our certain experiences in life till now, the physical pain and emotional bouts, we chose what we chose.
DeleteI would rather have my ideal mate over my ideal job. I believe that as long as I have the right person by my side, supporting me and encouraging me, I will be happy with whatever I choose to do. I have been with my boyfriend for six years, a little more than a fourth of my life, and I know that no matter what happened at school or work that day, that I will come home to him and everything will be okay. If you have the right person by your side than everything else falls right into place, and you have a good perspective on life and what decisions are better for you or the both of you in the end. I live with my boyfriend, and I know how much harder work, school, and paying bills would be without him. I know having the ideal job sounds great, but how much does that really amount to when you come home to an empty house? Having an ideal job will keep me happy and satisfied for a little while, but not having anyone to share that with would quickly diminish my happiness.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you. I would rather have that special person on my side any day. Great post!
DeleteConsidering how hard life can or may be outside of work, having an ideal mate is always a plus. I live alone and it doesn't bother me one bit. I don't believe you need a mate to be happy but I do believe having someone to have your back is better than having an ideal job. For example, my parents have been together for almost thirty years, always have looked or seem very in love till this day. They both work and there was a period of time where my mother didn't enjoy her work. Having an ideal mate beside her aloud it to be not such a big deal because it wasn't the only thing she had to look forward to everyday. If she had her dream job and not her husband there, who is a part of her, I don't think she'd be as happy. Your mate can sometimes be motivation to get through anything. I'm not saying you cant have self motivation and determination, but I just feel another being can bring more joy than a job.
ReplyDeleteI have to say I agree with you. I also believe that having a mate is like having the extra icing on the cake, not that its necessary but it does make things a bit better at times. Not saying that being alone is impossible to live, because one should never allow another to control their whole world. They should be able to live on their own as well.
DeleteAlthough many claim that it is not right, fair or acceptable for those individuals that get hurt from a certain person in their life, to hurt those who are barely trying to enter their new chapter in life. Many, if not all end up hurting or taking it upon the new comers. Although individuals who have been hurt by another does not mean to hurt someone else, it is easier said than done. When individuals are hurt, their first trigger that is set off is to hurt back, therefore it’s like a natural instinct that can only be controlled after time. When the individual no longer feels the pain, then maybe then she/he will no longer seek to take their pain off on someone else. I wouldn’t wish to be harmed from either emotional or physical pain, but if I would have to truly choose from either or I would have to say emotional. The reason why I would prefer an unbeatable emotional pain would be because at least at the end of the day I would still have the blessing of living. Also because an invincible emotional harm can be forgotten with something or someone else, unlike physical harm; we are only blessed with one life. Therefore, I would rather deal with an emotional harm than to deal with possibly knowing that there are certain things you can no longer do or maybe knowing you only have a certain amount of time to live.
ReplyDeleteAchieving your ideal job is something everyone dreams of doing. You set your mind to the career of your dreams and set forth on a journey you will most likely struggle to get to. You will work hard and most likely second guess your decision. But after all the struggling, rejections, and sleep deprivation, depending on your career choice, you become what you set yourself out to be. You have a wonderful life. You climbed the ladder that not everyone was able to climb. You live the life that most people dream of living. You have no worries. You have no one telling you what to do. You have the money, the house, the cars, and the toys. But what is all that life of luxury if you’re enjoying it all alone. I’d rather have the life of the white picket fence, with the wife and the two point five children and a dog. I’d prefer the life of a simple man with a family who will love me unconditionally. A family who will be there for me through thick and thin. How can I achieve that? What person in this world would not want to have a life like that? How can my life be complete in that way if I do not have my ideal mate? The life I lived growing up showed me that money isn’t everything. To be a good honest man, you need to have a good honest woman by your side. Because if you’re living your life alone at this moment, you aren’t really living until that perfect mate is right beside you.
ReplyDeleteI agree, the perks of an ideal job are nice, but having no one to share all of your hard earned money on, would suck.
DeleteWould you rather be invincible from physical or emotional harm?
ReplyDeleteI am one to say that I am not invincible from neither physical nor emotional pain. I actually invite the thought of pain because then I can appreciate joy and euphoria from said pain. Although that is not what was asked, I choose to be invincible in a physical notion. As a person who creates and invites the emotional pain for great creativity that people can relate to. I would rather be the strongest physical man, but with the emotional awareness to my humanism. The highs and lows of the emotional world brings great art, music, theatre, poetry, and great stories. It the connection between all of use through each other's eyes. I feel it makes for a great experience.
I know that physical pain goes away, and most people would wish to be invicible from emotional pain, but I agree with you. Being emotionally affected by something is what makes each individual an individual. Imagine living in a world void of every good thing emotions have brought us such as the art, music, and humanism mentioned above. Without struggle, there is no progress.
DeleteLife is unfair. Everyone has probably thought this at least once in their life; so life is unfair to everyone, and that is fair. I personally feel that no one has had a perfect life, everyone has a bad day at least every once in a while. The degree of bad does vary, but still no one is exempt from this feeling. I try not to use the phrase "life is unfair" because it is pointless. It does not change the situation that you want to escape. It is not a magic phrase that will erase the dreadful event you are going through. No one is dealt a perfect hand in life, so the phrase "life is not fair," is a waste of energy to even say it.
ReplyDeleteIf I had to choose between the ideal mate or the ideal job, I would choose to have the ideal mate. "Power couple" comes to mind. I rather have someone that I can build my life with, someone that will always have my back, someone that I really enjoy being with and can grow with, than to have my ideal job. Yes, the money from being a neurologist would be nice, but a job is job. You go to work, do your work, and go home. I'm the type of woman that wants a family someday; so to have the option of having my ideal mate trumps my ideal job any day.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Though I feel it difficult to find someone who is willing to build a life together and be in a relationship also. I feel that most times people are so driven and passionate in their future that they forget about what's in front of them in the present. I guess not all of us can be Beyonce and Jayz.
DeleteThis week I chose to answer the second question which asked if I would rather be invincible to physical or emotional harm. In life we experience both physical harm on the body, as we grow old we eventually start deteriorate and emotional harm as we go through experiences which effect our mental state. In my opinion I would rather allow myself to feel physical harm rather then emotional harm because I cherish more my mental state over my physical state in this life. I feel that a person must first be mentally strong before they can allow themselves to live their life. Therefore, if I was given the chancenter to be invincible from feeling emotional harm, I would have a stronger mental state and a better life overall
ReplyDeleteI truly love this topic. I would definitely pick my ideal mate over my ideal job. The reason for this is because for so long girls always dream about their ideal husband. And when I finally get that opportunity to be married to him I don't want to have to worry about not spending time with him. I feel that when you are working so much there's not enough time to spend with your loved ones. I want to be able to give my ideal mate all attention. Another reason why I prefer my deal me over my preferred job is because I normally change my mind a lot and it's very difficult for me to find the constant job that I love. But I know that once I married with my ideal mate I won't have a question in my mind that I shouldn't be with him. He would be the love of my life and I don't want to spend crazy hours away from him just because I want to be at my preferred job. Could my preferred job be a happy wife? Because if that was possible that is definitely what I would want to be. So to say again I prefer my ideal mate over my preferred job.