These are time sensitive. You do not receive credit if you write them after the deadline each week. Furthermore, if you are in the habit of writing everything on Saturday you will not receive full credit. Why? There would be no time for others to interact with your writing. Write early; write often! Right? Right!

First, there's a blog entry (about 250 words) which will have you respond to a hopefully thought-provoking question. Each week, you must do the blog entry with enough time left in the week to be able to enter into dialogue online with your classmates. Write, reply, write more, reply more, and then write and reply more.

Second, there's a reading. There’s no blog entry associated with this. Just read.

Third, there's a written response to the reading. Your reading and writing on the blog must be completed by the SATURDAY (by midnight) of the week in which the reading falls. This entry should be a long paragraph. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND TO OTHER STUDENTS' PART THREE EACH WEEK.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Answer any ONE of the following random questions:

People in the U.S. seem to have more hobbies than people in other countries. Why is that?
Do you have a hobby? Why do people have hobbies?

The U.S. is a country of sub-cultures. People often define themselves by allegiance to one of their smaller sub cultures. Why is that?

Have you ever followed a trend and knew you were following a trend?

If none of these bizarre questions is working for you, respond to any idea from the book.


  1. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” This old proverb justifies the need for various hobbies. Americans spend a great a deal of time working. According to ABC news, Americans work more hours than other industrialized nations. By this logic, Americans need more hobbies to stay fulfilled so they don’t get burnt out.Hobbies offer many great rewards. One of which is relieving stress. Instead of focusing on the mundane, they can pose as a distraction from the other parts of your life. It is an escape from the daily grind you put yourself through. That argument you had with your boss or that unfinished report could all be forgotten while you flyfish, save children in Africa, or go grave hunting. Hobbies can be anything and doing it for the pure sake in itself can be quite rewarding. Hobbies have no purpose, other than the sole enjoyment. The crusaders of the world are the one’s who make their hobbies there jobs. That is true success when you can’t tell one from the other.

    My favorite hobby is hanging out at the airport and racking up sky miles. I kind of sound like a bum, but I usually bring my homework along and pray my seat gets bumped. I usually try and fly during the busiest flying days of the year. This year I intentionally made my ticket to go to the east coast the day before thanksgiving because it will be absolute chaos. I just pray that my seat gets bumped so I can go somewhere cool next year for free. In a matter of hours you could make 600 dollars by just giving up your seat until the next flight comes. Last year, I got a free round trip to Europe. For some people, the idea of hanging out at the airport longer than you have to is torture. But if you have some flexibility it’s worth it. Just bring some snacks, a good book and your laptop. Sometimes It gives me a reason to call up an old relative that I put off talking to.

    1. I actually liked your explanation why Americans have more hobbies than others and never thought of it like that. Also, I found it interesting on what you do at Airports and never thought the way you do. I will try it someday when I have the time and thanks for the idea.

    2. Since I don't travel as much, I didn't know one could do such thing. I think it is a very smart way to obtain a reward for giving up one's seat. I like the idea of one just hanging out in the airport since one has nothing to lose and a lot to gain. Besides, you are not bored because you bring your books and laptop. Very smart, Rachel. I hope you get to visit Barcelona or another great place next year for free.

    3. I really liked your opening line. It really makes one think that life is not fun without a little play.

  2. I feel as though the U.S. works too much and too often to have as many hobbies as people in other countries. Americans have the mentality of constantly working to strive for the ideal American dream. With extra money from overtime and double time to entice workers, it is often hard to give that time to hobbies since hobbies do not pay the bill for most Americans. During my vacation to Stuttgart, Germany I discovered that they practice a law called the Sunday law. Every Sunday, all shops will be closed for rest and spiritual practices. For retail and restaurant workers, this is a great time to pick up some hobby to enjoy. Having a hobby would mostly likely encourage people to be less irritable during work because they release all that bottled up energy in a healthier way. If we did not balance between leisurely activities and hard work, we would get completely drained which could lead to a disinterest at a job. My hobbies include baking and drawing or doing crafts. I really doubt that I could even function without those hobbies. For me, it is my time of relaxation and creativity. When I find myself stressing, I will draw random doodles or bake. When I do not stress, I still find myself baking during special occasions just for the pure joy of having others eat the desserts I make. I believe that people have hobbies due to a need for an outlet of some sort to do whatever it is that they enjoy doing. I believe it is important to invest in hobbies because they are a vital part of having fun, relaxing, and not having to think about work.

    1. I love the idea of the Sunday Law. I feel like it is important to have at least one day of the week to relax and stop moving. I love baking too! I enjoy it way more than cooking because i can just mix a bowl of ingredients together and wait for it to cook in the oven. I also just randomly doodle but it happens more when I'm bored than when I'm stressed!

    2. I was just having a discussion with a friend the other day regarding working over time. It's an economic concept. You need a solid full time job to survive, but once it gets to a certain point, your job starts killing you.

    3. The Sunday Law sounds amazing. People today are always on the go. I know my mom is because she always has a phone to her ear, has to plan an event that she stresses about because she waits till the last minute to work on it, and can't even sit still for a movie. I have my moments of being a busy body, but the joy of doing nothing or actually doing a hobby is so great. I can't wait for the winter break, because then I can catch up on my hobbies I didn't have time for because of school and work and I work Sunday also. So I really really like the Sunday Law. I also know people I work with who could use a Sunday Funday.

    4. I would love if my employer was enforcing this law! I do get out by 7pm on Sundays; however, that's still pretty late. I miss free time. If it's one thing I wish I had, it would be free time. I am glad that I really enjoy science because going to school is like a hobby to me. So, one day when I can "fake work" (get paid for enjoying what you do), I'll be so happy and value my free time even more. Okay, I just ranted about who knows what. Hi Jacky.

  3. I did not know that people in the U.S. had more hobbies than people from other countries. I think this may be because other countries and trends influence Americans. I also think that people living in this country are just open to trying different things and seeing what works for them and what they enjoy. I have a couple hobbies of my own. I love to play softball, I like anything that has to do with arts and crafts. I personally have hobbies to keep myself busy. I do not like being bored all. Of course there are days that I just want to lie on the couch and watch movies all day, but who doesn’t? I have followed a few trends. I like coloring my hair and when the ombre hair style became popular, where the hair on the top is usually darker than the hair closer to the end of the hair, I dyed my naturally dark hair to super light blonde. I loved it so much, but it was because it was popular. Another trend that I know I always follow is wearing slouchy sweaters during the colder months. I love how comfortable yet cute these sweaters look with jeans or leggings.

    1. I agree with you about the fact that I didn't know that America had more hobbies then other countries. I also like to watch movies all day and be lazy around the house but didn't think it was a fad.

    2. I used to play softball as well! Of course I finally figured out why I did so poorly when my parents figured out I needed glasses sooo. Ya. I’ve always thought ombre hair was cool myself, but my hair doesn’t look good dark so I’ve never been able to do it. I do ombre nails instead.

    3. I use to play softball in high school, I really did enjoy it. it was a good pass time. I also enjoy to keep busy with my day or I would get to bored.

    4. I never knew other countries had more hobbies than the U.S. either. I absolutely agree with hating the idea of being bored also. I always need something to do.

    5. Since this country is really wealthy a lot of people need something to do and not get bored.

  4. I didn't realize that the U.S. had more hobbies than other people in other countries but my answer would be because of the advertisement market we have and the trends that people set. What I mean when I say the advertisement market is the fact that these people who own businesses want to get the word out so they pay a agency or they do it themselves and put a little skit on T.V, radio, or the newspaper to get the word out. In this day and age, the marketing people have gotten so good that they now use target marketing to target a specific class with their skit. The reason this is such a big deal with hobbies is the fact that as kids we don't realize how much things cost so we don't put a price to things we like and over the years we get into other things. The reason we have so many hobbies then other countries would have to be because we have a rich market with a lot of entrepreneurs who introduce new things that catch on because of certain people who set the trend. While reading the Tipping point they could be considered the catalyst for the hobby becoming a hit. I have a lot of hobbies and I have slowly gotten more while growing up. As a kid I loved reading and even to this day I still read. Then my other hobbies would be watching movies, playing board games, and in general hang out with my friends. The reason people have hobbies is to relieve stress, have me time as I call it, or just to relax after a hard day at work with something we like.

    1. Hi Robert,
      I didn’t realize that the U.S had more hobbies than other countries either. I thought it was really interesting how you connected advertising to this. I didn't think of that.

    2. I didn't realize the U.S. was known for its hobbies, but you make a good point about all the advertisements that set trends. I also agree that hobbies help to relieve stress, but then I think that maybe the U.S. is a little too stressful and hobbies are a necessity.

  5. I had followed a tend once. It was in the 1990s when the bleaching of hair was “in.” I’m not sure why the bleaching of hair became popular. I know Eminem bleached his hair and that was the trend for the boy, but I’m not sure how the girls got started on it. I had bleached two pieces of hair toward the front of my head. I thought it was the coolest thing because I had never done anything special with my hair besides cutting it and my mom wanting to style it. So I remember being really excited, but when I look back now it was just a dirty yellow color which didn’t look too appealing. I used to put my hair in a ponytail, which made it look like a skunk was on my head since I had dark hair and a bright bleached strip down the middle. Now there are many more colors people use when dying their hair.

    I remember the trend of a girl shaving their arms. I’m not sure if this was a trend or if it was just the people I was around never shaved their arms, but I was starting to see other women with their arms shaved. There was also the trend of beanie babies, which my grandma had started getting for me. It was a fun collection and I still have all of them to this day. They are just in the attic. Those are some trends that I remember were interesting or that I had participated in. Today I try not to do trends and just be myself and enjoy what I like.

    1. I remember the beanie baby craze pretty well; I have a few sea horse beanie babies in my closet somewhere. I also remember when I started shaving my legs when I was around 11 or 12. Had to use my grandpa’s electric razor because my grandma didn’t want me to start yet since my hairs were white.

    2. Hello Katlyn,
      I too remember the beanie baby craze. Some people invested their life savings on beanie babies expecting to make a profit. Many things can drive trends. Some people collected beanie babies for the sake of collecting, and others to make money. People should be carful when they start to get deeply invested into trends financially. A good example is the housing crash where people lost lots of money that is still impacting the economy today.

    3. I remember when I was in elementary school (early 2000s), everyone wanted to have blonde tips. I don't know why. There was even a gel that bleached your hair as you wore it. Oh my.

    4. I remember that hair bleaching trend. It looked very ridiculous. I never bleached mine, it was just getting it cut and that was it.

    5. I used to collect beanie babies when I was younger as well.

  6. I’m not surprised people in the US have more hobbies. Third world countries don’t really have time and then there are cultures that put the utmost importance on school and work over being lazy at home. I’ve had a few hobbies over my life time. When I was little I played softball and when I went on walks with my grandfather I’d pick up beer bottle caps because I liked the smell. As I aged I went through phases of fishing, hunting, hiking, horseback riding, archery, road tripping, stamp collecting, state quarter collecting, knitting and crocheting, playing the piano and a few other things. The hobbies that have prevailed are singing, writing, reading, doing puzzles, and video gaming. I think people have hobbies so that they can figure out what type of person they are based on their interests. Are you someone who likes to stay indoors and sit still for hours? Or are you someone who has no problem being with tons of people almost anywhere or you like being physical and competitions? Another reason, in my opinion, is because without hobbies people will get downright bored. We spend our whole lives working and going to school, paying bills and raising the kids, that if we don’t have anything that we can do to unwind then its probable that at some point we would simply explode. There is a very fine line between sanity and insanity and without a way to relieve stress from our day to day lives then whats the point?

    1. I agree hobbies are good thing to have so we don't so bored at home. They are also a good way to escape from life.

  7. I don’t know if people in other countries have more hobbies than here in the U.S. or vice versa. One of my favorite hobbies is to watch YouTube videos. I like to watch videos about soccer, music, math, science, nature, almost anything. By watching these videos, I have learned numerous things such as how to recover from a meniscus tear in the knee to a fight between a lion and a tiger. I love and enjoy watching soccer but I think playing soccer is more like a sport than a hobby. I never get tired of soccer, and I watch it on a daily basis. However, when it comes to hobbies, I would say is watching YouTube videos about almost anything. When I watch a video, a whole row of related videos appear on the right side of the screen; therefore, I must have to watch another video and so on and so on. Most people like to listen to music when they are at the gym but for me, I like to watch videos while I’m riding the stationary bike at the gym. I guess it is a good thing to have unlimited data in my phone because I don’t think I would be able to enjoy my hobby as much if I didn’t. There is so much to watch and to discover in these videos. Also, if I don’t understand something in math like when I was taking Statistics, I would just YouTube it and type “Repeated Measures ANOVA” and a teacher teaching the lesson would appear and I would be able to rewind and practice the exercises. I love YouTube and it is my favorite hobby.

    1. I also enjoy to watch YouTube videos. I think YouTube can be useful when you need to learn how to do something like oil charge or something.

    2. YouTube videos are so amazingly useful in so many ways. I have not thought of it but watching YouTube videos definitely can count as one of my hobbies.

    3. I do like watching YouTube videos too..

    4. As do you and everyone else who commented on your post, I very much enjoy watching YouTube videos. I wish I was more comfortable with my face to actually become a YouTube star. Who knows, maybe one day.

    5. I never really though watching videos could be a hobby. I watch videos all the time. now that you mentioned it, I agree that its a hobby.

  8. When it comes to hobbies I don’t know if the U.S. has more hobbies then every other countries because in most places there is a lot of the same things to do. It may look like that because all the ads there is about California on TV. How it shows that all we do is go hiking, shop, beaches, and all those things. It doesn’t show the whole working side or stress side. I have a lot of hobbies. There is so many different things you can do around this areas. I think one of the hobbies I love the most is to travel. I try to leave town about once a month. Last trip I took was to Las Vegas, I went with cousins and friends to enjoy a bit of clubbing. Things just to make us be less stress from our day to day things. I also enjoy to go to the gym in the mornings before starting my day. When I can’t go in the morning I try to go in the afternoon when I get off work. Just to enjoy the little things. It’s a good way to get over stress and anything that may make you feel mad in your day. I think that in the United States when it comes to hobbies everyone needs to have a hobby. They need a way to forget about their day to day stressful activities. People find it to be much harder to work correctly without a way to distract there selves.

    1. Hello Nataly,
      I think the U.S. has a culture that is always on the move. I agree with your comment “it’s a good way to get over stress.” Life in the U.S. can be very stressful. Hobbies work as good distractions for stress.

    2. I have a friend who is from Honduras ( a poor country in Central America) and he says that in order to go out or have fun in his native country, he didn't need any money. He says that here in the US, one must have money to go out. Life if very different here in the US and many people just work, work and work. There has to be a balance and doing a hobby is healthy.

    3. I agree that the media does play a role in why it may seem that America has more hobbies then other cultures. I also feel like most cultures keep to themselves, whereas, in America we like to showcase what we have to offer. This may be the reason why it may seem like all we do in America is go out and enjoy ourselves, when in reality we are all work and no play.

    4. Your right the TV does show a lot ads that give us things to do. Unlike other countries.

  9. The U.S is a great big melting pot of cultures. People identify themselves by sub-cultures they best agree with. In many cases people are born into a sub-culture and they tend to form strong bonds within the sub-culture. The standards or norms for a sub-culture create unspoken guidelines, morals, and a level of comfort that people would most likely reinforce and maintain as a way of life. For example, religious people live by the standard of their bible and are rarely comfortable with societal change, like abortions. The Catholic Church strongly opposes abortion, and this is why they do not approve of new changes to healthcare plans that mandate abortion coverage. The Catholic Church’s position on this matter defines its members. Also, some religions do not embrace pop culture, so those religions fragments into sub-groups. An example of this is the sub-groups of Amish people. There are certain Amish groups that do and do not embrace modernism. Imbedded beliefs often prevent people from learning new things about alternate cultures. The opinions from sub-culture group members strengthen the cohesiveness of the unit. The subgroup itself creates a social wall that illuminates the discrepancies. Another alternate example to religion, most Mexicans born in Mexico do not consider American born Mexicans culturally equal. The Mexican sub-cultures created the stereotype that Mexican American’s are watered down versions of true Mexicans. Mexican American’s are one of the sub-cultures in the U.S. that are treated more American by their own people because of their geographical birthplace. I believe people may define themselves by allegiance to a sub-culture because other sub-cultures have already defined who and where they belong.

    1. You are so right! There are so many different kinds of cultures and I think that is why I love cultures. And I do agree with you when you said that many people define themselves by allegiance to a sub culture.

  10. People have hobbies to keep themselves busy in this crazy world that we live in. There are several reasons why I believe people have hobbies. The first one is because I believe that it is in our human nature that we need human interaction. So, what better way is to interact with people with similar interest. For example, my hobby is going to the salon. There I am to get pampered and get my nails and hair done every two weeks. I love to keep my nails with latest fashion or with the current season. Also, I like to keep hair moist, so I get a deep conditioning. I am able to talk with my stylist, and she always offers great tips for my hair. Besides, talking about hair and beauty products, we also talk about the latest gossip. The people in the shop they became my best friends. We talk about what is the lasted news that is going on in town. We talk about our latest problems and give another advice. I spend a lot of time at the salon making myself look good. People in the United States unusually have more money than other countries because we’re not a third world country. So we have more interest in hobbies because we don’t have to worry about survival. We have more time to interact with others. By doing hobbies I feel it keeps me clam it is relaxing for me. It is always nice to get away from the work world to and take time for yourself.

    1. Yes, I agree. We live in a crazy world full of stress.

    2. The more I think about it, I'm not sure if we should feel sorry for them or if they should feel sorry for us. What I mean is that I recently spoke to a women from one of the poorest areas in the Philippines. Her being an outsider, it was interesting to see how she viewed Americans. She said we are all so stressed out worrying about credit card debt, mortgage payments, car payments ect. She said in the Philippines they don't have all the luxuries we have in America but that they live a relatively stress free life in comparison to us.

    3. I don't crave human interaction. I prefer working with machines, electrical components and code. That's why most of my hobbies involve working with computers or projects that is fit for a single person.

  11. Hobbies are good for every human being regardless if it is a sport or not. I do believe that the U.S. have more hobbies than any other country in the world. It is because people in the United States tend to work more than any other country. Almost all families in the U.S. have a hobby. They even have a weekly schedule to follow throughout the week, it is common because like I said earlier they work too much, and they need to have a day so they can relax. I could say that my hobby is soccer because that’s the sport that I play since I was a kid. It is not rare to say that the U.S. is a country with more hobbies than any other. You can see all this in American movies how they have everything in a planner for the week, leaving a day off so they can do their hobbies. On the other hand, other countries don’t have a lot of hobbies because people need to work double so they can make enough money for their families. They do not have the time to do any hobbies, especially in Latin America. People have hobbies because that’s a way to release any stress from work or for any other reason. Hobbies are beneficial for our health. It makes us feel better. For me, every time I play soccer I feel better. It helps me with my stress from work and school. Other than that, I do believe that the U.S. is a country with more hobbies in the globe.

    1. it is important to have a day to have a day where we don't have to do anything. Everybody needs a day to relax.

  12. I am not sure if I have a hobby. Growing up, I had so much time to have different hobbies. I think right now, my hobbies would be cooking, running, and Hulu plus. I'm sure I have more hobbies, but at this time in my life, I will always cook and run and add a little tv time when I get the chance. I also like to incorporate a partner or group with the hobbies I like to do. I think it is more fun that way. When I was younger, I used to play an instrument and practice all the time for fun, or collect hot wheels and learn about cars. I enjoyed doing those hobbies a lot. Now that I am thinking back at all the hobbies I used to enjoy, it makes me want to incorporate something new in my weekly routine.

    1. I think its a great idea to add more people to join you in your hobbies. I always say the more the merrier!

    2. It is okay that you might think that you do not have a hobby. You have a very long tome to find out what you really like to do life. Go have fun with life!

  13. American's could have more hobbies then people in other countries because I believe that the way of living in America does put a significant amount of emphasis on treating yourself to something you enjoy. It is no doubt that social media is a big factor to why American's feel the need to relax after working, in various shows people go out to get a drink after a long day at work. Therefore, this leisure is acceptable and ingrained into our culture as Americans. I have many hobbies myself, these include being physically active, eating, and trying new things, whether it be in the gym or traveling, I enjoy all these things when I have the time too. I believe people have hobbies as an escape from their day to day lives. I think that it's a necessity in life to enjoy a hobby because it is good for a persons well being, just as long as it doesn't hinder your work in the long run.

    1. As Americans many of us do have the luxury of treating ourselves and being able to afford hobbies and leisurely activities. In some of the poorer countries, maybe people are just focused on survival and are unable to enjoy the fun stuff.

  14. When I think of trends, fashion is the first thing that comes to mind. Now, I am definitely not a trend setter and I do not really try to follow trends when it come to fashion, however sometimes it just happens. Fashions, old or new are always being recycled. I remember it took me a long time to finally get used to the idea of wearing by boots over pants. The first time I tried to follow this trend, I felt like I was imitating Santa Clause but now this style is normal for me to wear during the cold months. I once watched a program which credited "Krissy" from the famous 70's show, "Three's Company," for starting a rise in the boots over pants fashion trend. Besides fashion, there are countless trends people, including myself, follow in social media. All one has to do is scroll through Facebook to see numerous trends. Hashtags, acronyms, and picture posting are just a few. I tried doing hashtags once but felt odd and too old to follow the trend. I do, however use the following acronyms: lol, ttyl, ty, smh, lmao and one I feel I should be recognized for connecting the Facebook world to, lmbo(Laughing my butt off). As for picture posting, I am shamefully guilty of posting a duck lip picture or two and if I bake or cook something special or healthy there will be pictures for all my Facebook friends to view. All these trends started somewhere and pickup followers along the way.

    1. I must agree with you, fashion is a really tricky trend in our society and whether or not we want to follow it we end up falling for it. Online media trends are also some quiet catchy ones and majority if not all of us use them.

    2. Isn't wearing boots over your pants feel annoying? I just wear what fits and shirts that have images or symbols of things that I like. Almost all of my shirts involve The Legend of Zelda. I don't know what these "hashtags" are and of the 6 acronyms you listed, lol is the only one I know since I was told about it earlier this year.

  15. I believe that many of us in this country pledge allegiance to any sub culture or trend simply because they do not want to be left out, or as we learned in grade school, no one wanted to be that “loner”. It’s just natural for us to seek acceptance and to fit in to whatever environment we may find ourselves in. Again going back to those earlier elementary school days, as immature as it may have been, that one poor child who didn’t have any friends was always the one who was made fun of. Hell, you could be made fun of by just not being part of the “popular” crowd. Pledging “allegiance” to a group or subculture, or following trends begins when we are very young, and unfortunately in the world we live in today, social structure is a big part of our lives. One trend that I’ve seen really pick up in the past couple of years is biking, but not just any bike, more specifically a “fixie”. Originally used for traditional exercise, a fixie is a y fixed-gear bike which has become extremely popular with the younger crowds. My younger cousin is 13 years old in eighth grade, and when I take him to school every once in a while, I see a caravan of kids who all look exactly the same riding in single file. Not that there is anything wrong with riding with your friends, whether that be for fitness purposes or not, but it is simply just another trend or fad that many young people have picked up on, and is another medium for kids to fit in.

    1. I can see you feel very strongly about this, but I have to admit you prove a great and true point and I have to agree with you. I also don't see the fairness in it and till this day its one of the reasons I keep to myself because I don't see why I have to be an amateur in order to fit in with others.

    2. From what I remember, I have always been the "loner" in school. I didn't mind and never felt wanting to be part of a group. Nobody would notice me since I was always quiet and that is how I liked it. I am still the same, not wanting to be around other people.

    3. I agree, Subculture is what makes our culture. Everyone wants to blend, so once a trend is defined, so many people grab on to it because eveyone wants to be in the "in" crowd.

    4. Thanks for the feedback guys, and again there's really nothing wrong with following trends, or conforming to whichever group you want to be a part of if it makes you happy, but it is quite stunning to me how pop culture can run many aspects of our lives. Fashion is another one...I don't mean to offend anyone but my god what some people are wearing these days is just hilarious hahaha

  16. I can see how people in our country have more hobbies than any other countries. One of the reason I believe that is the case, is that being from this country one is given many opportunities and one of them is having the right to do whatever you wish to do with your life. Opposed to other areas of the world, where especially women aren’t given that option or any option at all. I personally do have hobbies, and it first started at the age of 9 years, when I was first introduced and taught how to play softball and basketball with other children. Since the first day I learned to play sports, I fell in love with the idea of the adrenalin and maintained my favorite hobbies till today. There’s particular hobbies of mine have also helped me with relieving stress and anger at times. I also have other hobbies like shopping, learning to play an instrument, and photography. Having and finding new hobbies to do on a daily basis doesn’t only help people stay focused, but it also helps people cope with their daily life struggles and, or life itself. I think people have hobbies to simply stay out of trouble, especially at a young age, because I can say that, being involved in extracurricular activities during my high school years kept away from many bad influences and bad decision making. Therefore, I think that having more than one hobby is both healthy and beneficial for a person to have as part of their lives.

    1. Yes they're are a lot of opportunities in the United States. Sports are a lot of people's hobbies which are fun.

    2. Hello Beatrice, I also think that playing sports is a great stress reliever and its good for our bodies as well. Even though I don't have the time as much as I did before I still like to throw the ball around or shooting hoops. Good choice in hobbies!

  17. There are so many hobbies that come to mind for this assignment. I honestly love to do so many things in life, but what I am going to do is just talk about two of my favorite hobbies. My first all time high favorite hobby has to be singing. Singing is my life. Since I was a young child I was singing for family members, church, and at other places. Even now I still sing and I have sung even at the Rabobank Arena. Singing for me is not just a hobby it is a passion. I feel like if singing was taken for me, I have no idea what I would do with myself. Singing has given me joy and hope in my life. It has also relaxed me when I really need to stay calm. My second hobby that I absolutely love is dancing. I have been dancing ballet since I was about four years old. Dancing has given me so much pleasure in my life. When I dance I do not have to think about anything and I can just be me while doing something that I love to do. It gives me freedom to be me and it gives me freedom to step out in boldness and beauty. I feel the reason why people have hobbies is to enjoy life better and longer. I feel that if people do not find something that they like to do or something that they invest their time in, life gets extremely boring and you are only living day to day. Everyone should find something that they want to spend time on and have fun with it!

    1. Hobbies are good to have. That's neat I beat you have fun singing over there.

    2. Singing and dancing are some of my favorite hobbies as well. Dancing is so fun and just takes me away to another world and singing allows me to express myself.

  18. Why do people in the U.S. have more hobbies than people in other countries? I don’t know. I didn’t know that this is true. But if it is, then I believe that this is due to days off and possibly lower work hours. I do have a few hobbies. My hobbies include playing video games and working on electronics hobby projects. I use video games as a way to escape from reality. Most people read books for that, but for me that is too boring. With video games I am able to actually see the world that is being described and hear the voices of the characters and see dramatic events. I also use video games as a way to relieve stress. If I had an extremely stressful day, I play games that involve eliminating hordes of enemies.
    I also like to work on electronics projects. I am majoring in electrical engineering and I enjoy building things and working on different types of projects. This also helps relieve some stress and I get to make things that can be used to make a room look cool. I have made things from audio amplifiers, a radio, a night light and several other things. I also made a sun tracker for my senior project. These are my reasons for having these hobbies. I am sure others have similar reasons. Other than trying to relax and have some fun, I don’t think there are other reasons to have hobbies.

    1. I am the opposite, reading is my favorite pastime. I can never get into video games. I always start them and then I get bored, but maybe I am just playing the wrong type of video game for me. That is really cool that you like to build things and work with electronics. That is a pretty awesome hobby. You sound pretty handy.

    2. During the break I will try to make a dog alarm type thing. In my neighborhood there are dogs roaming around and they end up in my yard and poop everywhere. So this alarm will emit a high frequency tone to keep them away.

  19. I believe that a lot of people who live in the United States have a lot more hobbies than those who live in other places around the world. I think one of the reasons why people who live in the United States become more involved with hobbies is because that is their form of relaxing and doing what they actually love. People who live in the United States tend to work more hours and days than other people around the world and I think that is why they are more stressed and always busy because of their busy work schedule. As a way to distress and relax they spend times on their hobbies. Having a hobby means to do something that you really enjoy doing. When people are taking time out of their days to spend some time on their hobbies it helps them forget about their crazy work schedule or other life problems. The reason why I think people forget about their problems when they are doing their hobbies is because when you are doing something that you really enjoy everything else becomes less important and you even forget about it sometimes because you are so focused on your hobby. That why I think a lot of people who live in the United States have a lot more hobbies than other people around the world. Also hobbies are usually a lot of fun and interesting to the people and that's why a lot of people take the time to enjoy their hobbies.

    1. I agree hobbies are a way to take a break from everything going on in your life. Plus getting to have fun and find interest in something just adds to the reason why people should have a hobby.

    2. Hobbies are a great way to relieve stress and to just get away. I think it is great that people ahve hobbies and are able to let go of the bad things in their lives for a little but and are able to have a little fun.

  20. People in the United States have more hobbies than people in other countries due to opportunity and freedom. Americans have personal rights and plenty of resources which allots Americans a greater chance in having a hobby. Americans know what it means to take a break, some countries would even call the USA lazy .Some Americans have hobbies so they can relax, enjoy themselves, or just because they can. Hobbies can also be seen as a way to express creativity.For the last five years my hobby has been going to the batting cages. The feeling of swinging a bat and crushing a ball can temporarily erase any emotion I felt when I got there. It is almost a personal escape: the problem does not go away but I definitely walk out with weight lifted off my shoulders. Hobbies help you release your true self, because they are chosen by each individual on their own terms. Suggestions of hobbies is often done but it is a person choice. I chose the batting cages because it is a combination of things I like. In high school I played softball and my favorite part of the game was batting. Stress relief is another factor

    1. That's great that you can release your stress through the batting cages. I remember going with my cousin to the batting cages and it was a good way to relax or even take your frustration out on the ball. I think we all need something like that, so we do not go insane.

    2. Hello Taylor, I know of some countries in Europe that have much more leisure time than the average American. For some countries the work week is only four days and the government takes care of healthcare and other issues that might make them have to work more hours like we do. All that being said we are very lucky to be Americans. Things could be a lot worse.

    3. I think that you are right in saying Amweica has more hobbies then other countries because we have a lot more freedom then most countries. IT is intresting to think how other countries are unable to do all the things that we are able to, even something as simple as having a hobby. A hobby that would be able to better them selves by bringing them joy and being able to relieve stress.

    4. That sounds like it could hurt if you missed. I prefer doing things in the digital world. That way I don't get hurt and the character just respawns if killed.

  21. I did not know that people in U.S. had more hobbies than people in other countries. I assumed because most Americans work a lot of hours during the week that they would not have enough time to partake in an active participation activity, other than work.
    I think that people in the U.S. have more hobbies than people in other countries, because we open to more things and we have more available to us. In America we are surrounded by several different people and cultures, which helps us to be more aware of activities that we can take up as a hobby.
    I have several hobbies that I love but never have the time for because of all the time I spend at school and work. I love to swim and I started club swim when I was nine years old and continued swimming in high school. I also love to snowboard. I have not been snowboarding for a couple of years, because the last time I went I fractured my fibula. I also enjoy playing the flute and saxophone, but I do not think my neighbors enjoy it as much as I do. My favorite hobby of all is colorguard. Being able to travel and perform with my friends is such a rewarding feeling. I hate that I was not able to do it this year because I could not afford it, but I cannot wait until next years auditions.
    I think people have hobbies to feel a void. I think we get bored very easily and need something to do. I also think that if all we did was work or go to school we would get burnt out very easily and quickly. Sometimes we need that distraction away from work and school. Something that makes us happy and help the stress of the day melt away.

    1. Hello Kristen, I think that you knowing how to play an instrument is awesome. I always wanted to learn how to play something but never got around to it I guess. I also agree with you that people get hobbies to fill a void. Sometimes we get bored and want to take our minds away from daily life.

  22. I think people in the United States seem to have more hobbies because in different parts of the world others don't have the means or the time to do the same. This is not true for all countries but the more money you make to more leisure time you have for other things in life. I know that some countries allow of more leisure time than the United States due to less working hours and paid medical care and vacation time. I think that more Americans had more time for hobbies years back then they do now. For the most part people now have to work longer hours and two incomes are quite common in families. This makes it harder for people to sit back and enjoy their free time which leads to more people having hobbies. I think people have hobbies to pass time and to take their minds off of the daily grind. People also want to express themselves and a hobby is way they can do that. The thing I always liked to do when I lived up north was to go fishing. I even didn't mind going up to the mountains by myself for the day and fish the streams. Something about hearing the water and feeling a cool breeze in the mountains always appealed to me. Now that I live in southern CA and there is nowhere to really fish I have turned to video games. When I am playing them I take my mind off of all my worries and become lost. I'm not sure if playing video games is such a great hobby but it does pass the time by when I have nothing to do.

  23. I think that people in our country have hobbies more often than in other countries because we have a lot of free time. One of my hobbies is taking old furniture and refurbishing it to look like something brand new. I like getting a new piece of furniture and being able to save it from someone just throwing into the trash. Instead it will be able to be sitting in someone’s home where it should be. I started doing this a few years ago when my grandparents were moving into a smaller home from what they were currently living in. Since they were moving into a smaller home they had a lot of furniture that they no longer needed. When I saw all of the furniture that they were going to get rid of I had asked if I could have it. Though they wondered what I would do with it all they gave it to me anyways. I took all of that furniture and I sanded it down and I either painted or stained the wood. I replaced all of the handles and screws to look new. When I was done I was so proud of what I accomplished some of the furniture ended up in the homes of my relatives and other pieces I sold. I still like to make old furniture look anew, because to me it is something fun to do. I think that people have hobbies because they need to be able to fill up the free time that they have with something that they truly enjoy.

  24. Trends are a tricky thing. It's very difficult to not find yourself following them. As much as I see myself trying to be unique and my own person, there is always a pull towards the latest things around me. There comes a time where, yes, trends can be a good thing, but how much influence does it effect my everyday life. The mold of communities, society, or even friendships are all built from some sort of trend. Even those who think they are non followers, are still builders of their own trends. So to answer if I am a follower of trends, My answer is yes even though it's my own. Whether people believe in what I do, wear, say or preach it more in what I feel most comfortable doing for me.

  25. Most people in America have more hobbies than people in other countries because we have disposable income, time, and for other reasons. In other countries, especially in less well-off countries people’s income barely suffice for their basic needs leaving no room for them to have hobbies like shopping, traveling, or any other hobby. I believe time is another big factor that differentiates the amount of hobbies between Americans and other people around the world. Most Americans just work 40 hours a week, which leaves a lot of time to get multiple hobbies. In contrast, most people in other countries work longer hours which reduces the time they have to explore any interest in a hobby that they have. My personal hobby is reading newspapers from different countries. I’m busy with school all the time, but every chance I get I sit and read newspapers because I like to be informed about the issues that are happening around the world. For example, I’ve been up to date on everything that has been happening in the rural town of Ayotzinapa, Mexico.

  26. People in America have more time for hobbies because we are raised to have our own interst and opinions. We strive for all individuals to have thier own talents. Growing up you discover things you enjoy besideds just going to school and it grows with you into adult hood when you are working and hopefuly there is still time in your busy life to enjoy that hobby. I enjoy drawing. my favorite type of drawings would be along the lines of surrealism. Surrealism is art with a usually wierd or unreal look to it. I enjoy it because I can explore my imagination and just let all out on paper. I have so much respect for people's hobbies. Other countries are usually don't stress having a hobby. It's more strict. Also for pooer countries you are raised to work and have no other interest besides providing for your family.
